Do what D4N does but have the green Mountain Dew. Straight away campaign then multiplayer then forge.
lol, nice thinking.. the holes a little small though isn't it? :l Personally, I think I will run through campaign on Heroic, just coz Heroic gives you a good a challenge without being too annoying. Then multiplayerz so i can learn all the maps n ****, the proper way just for a few days. Then Forge. But I probably won't start on Forge World, I wanna change some of the walkways in Swordbase first to see how it affects the gameplay. If that's possible. And after this, it will be a mix of firefight, co-op legendary campaign and multiplayer in whatever order i feel like when the time comes. I doubt I will start properly forging until a few weeks after release, only when i get bored of the default maps really.
Invasion until someone wants to play campaign with me, which I wont get to play until after i get it. My phone is gonna be off, my curtains are going to be closed, my microwave will be burning many hotpockets, there will be no moment where there isn't a blunt in my mouth, and I will play the living **** out of it. 2 days later.... "Hey Will what did you do this weekend?" "I LIVED!!!!"
First things first, like anyone else who jizzed right threw their pants when they saw the Vidoc, I have to check out ForgeWorld. I'm only going to quickly skim through it though, but then I'm going to hit the Campaign.
Fail much? This is the same thread. Anyway, I think Im gonna get high on Forge, then go do some campaign.
Im getting the game at midnight, im checking out the forge first, and then i will probably start the campaign.
It's the same thread dude.... I want to change my plans, now that I know what forge is like. 1. Matchmaking; to get use to the default settings 2. Campaign with friends, to have some luls and stuffs 3. Firefight versus with same 3 friends, probably 3 on me, because I am better then them ATM. 4. Theater to get cool pics 5. Forge, forge, forge, forge, forge 6. Take a sick day on friday, to get that extra 24 hours of weekend in. 7. Repeat step 5 indefinitely, until boredom hits, and I go play Matchmaking/Customs
Opening the legendary edition then fap fap fapping to the statue. Then forge, then campaign, then forge again, then campaign on legendary, then more forge, then matchmaking. (with e harmony lolz)
I plan on taking a quick look at forgeworld (seeing how far I can go, what things I can make, ect.). Then I'll play the campain with friends or possibly solo depending on my options. After I beat (or get incredibly pissed off at the campain), I'll play a little matchmaking or spend some time in forge. But as soon as I start forging, I'll probably be there for a while.
Campaign always comes first. Probably go through twice (solo then co-op) and then jump into matchmaking. Probably won't forge or play firefight till after a few weeks
tiny bit of forge, little bit of firefight, little more forge, some multiplayer, maybe campaign with friends, more firefight, more multiplayer, then actually forge a map.
Beat the campaign about 3 times since I need to do "cycles" with different friends. After that I'm going to check out forge, the new maps, and hop into some customs.
First, I really want to go into Forge or customs and look at all the multiplayer and FireFight maps. After that i'll begin the awsomeness that is 4-player Legendary campaign. After that, try out some firefight then hit up matchmaking. Forge won't even be used for quite some time.
I usually grind though campaign when I first get a game then once that is out of the way move on to other things.
I don't have a set order, but I'll definitely spend a few hours in forge, maybe try a few campaign missions, and then hit up Matchmaking to dominate all of the new players. And if I have time I'll probably hit up some Firefight with some friends.