Initial Plans Upon Buying Reach

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Noxiw, Jul 6, 2010.


Initial Reach Plans:

  1. Campaign

  2. Matchamking

  3. Customs

  4. Forge

  5. FireFight

  6. A combination

  7. Too much excitement, we'll see what happens when I get it

  8. Other (Describe)

  1. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
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    In order:

    Custom games- Just the main screen and the gametypes
    Forge- Test out some glitches, seeing any new items, and also ALL THE NEW MAPS
    Firefight- Not long but just a quick look.
    Matchmaking- Look at the different Playlists and maybe a game or 2

    Then campaign
  2. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Once I get the game I'll probably take a look at Forge to see how much it's changed. I will then walk around each map for a few minutes each to get a basic feel for them. After that I will go through campaign.
    I really need to get some money so I can pre-order this game. :p
  3. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I never understood why anyone found importance is planning out what they will probably do before the game actually comes out... Why not worry about that when the main menu pops up?
  4. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What I'll do:

    Watch the main screen for a little, see what happens
    Then I'm doing the campaign on Normal.
    Next I'll play Forge for a bit, wander around the maps.
    Afterwards I'm playing matchmaking so I can unlock stuff for my Spartan.
    Then I'm play the campaign on Legendary.
    Moar matchmaking.
    Forge. A lot of it.
    Get sick of forge. Matchmaking, some customs.
    Get sick of matchmaking. Forge and customs, right up until the game's basically dead.
  5. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    Co-op campaign with my brother.
    Take heads in Matchmaking.
  6. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    I actually a bit surprised that no one has voted for matchmaking first. I remember getting home with Halo 3, and there were like 8 billion (yes, more than the world's population.) in the matchmaking lobby.
  7. patt06snipe

    patt06snipe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok here we go.

    Get out of school go straight to gamestop and pick up the game. Get in car, get home really fast (under the speed limit of course).

    Get home go upstairs log in to xbox live see who is on playing the game just for more pump up.

    Open the game and insert the disc while looking at the game manual.

    watch as the game starts up and read what Bungie has to say to us as we start up the menu.

    watch the menu for a few seconds then out of excitement look through all of the settings and different gamemodes and their lobbies.

    look through the armory and choose my colors/emblem

    then look at all the maps in multiplayer and maybe run around in 2 or 3 of them

    check out matchmaking and maybe play a game or two

    then join a party with my friends and play through half of the campaign on singleplayer

    then start up a custom game and have fun killing and getting killed by my friends.....

    Play the game until its REALLY late while thinking of all the crazy things we can do and create with everything Bungie gives us in our hands!
  8. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    In order:

    1. Forge to check out new maps, forge features, and mess around
    2. Dive straight into Campaign on easy
    3. After campaign I'll play some firefight (after turning on Invulnerability and Bottemless clip, of course because I'm original :p)
    4. Check out matchmaking
    5. Replay my favorite campaign missions a couple times each
    6. Finish Campaign on normal
    7. Make an epic map (hopefully epic, anyways)
    8. Finish campaign on Heroic
    11. Try firefight on easy with normal settings
    12. Play matchmaking, customs, forge, firefight, and the other Halo: Reach features until Bungie finishes their next game

    *Takes deep breath*

    But then again, I probably won't follow this list........
  9. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    campaign for sure. It just looks so epic. Probably 2 player co-op with my bro, maybe more if my poor ass friends can scrape together 50 bucks.

    times flying I just realized its like 2 months and a few days away!!!!!
  10. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    We think alike...
  11. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    -Drive around the rocket hog in Blood Gulch!
    -Fly around the maps in forge just to check them out and get a feel for them.
    -Then once my friends get home from school dive into legendary campaign and play it till we beat it.
    -Go and play firefight on legendary and play till we get all the achievements in firefight.
    -Play customs with friends.
  12. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I remember I had seen forge in a Youtube video a couple weeks before halo 3 was released. Mind you, back then, all you could do was drop weapons and boxes places. I didn't think it was too interesting, so I hopped straight into matchmaking with my best friend. It wasn't until the next day that I actually explored what forge was. I didn't find it very interesting so I went back to matchmaking. About a week later though, I saw someone had made a base out of open boxes on Last Resort's beach, and I started forging for the first time. The next day when I went to school, I told my friends about how cool forge was and one of them said forge was retarded. He later admitted to me that he hadn't even tried forge mode yet.

    What I'm trying to get at is that forge back then was really unknown. Even the day before Halo 3 was released, it wasn't very hyped at all. It's funny to think that. That, one of the most compelling features that now keeps the game alive didn't even make a blip on the community's radar. Back then, matchmaking and custom games were HUGE. And that's because no other games really had a matchmaking system other than halo 2.

    Now, forge is huge, so it's a good candidate for something you might want to see the second the game is in your xbox. However, this combined with the fact that, most of us have played the beta, makes forge even MORE interesting.

    Oh and my answer to the question: I'm going to create my character, hop into forge just to see what you get with it, then I'm going into matchmaking. I never really thought the campaign was all that great, but I'll start playing it by the end of the night and end the night with a game of matchmaking.
    #32 ZANDER1994, Jul 10, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2010
  13. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I will start by playing Campaign then Customs with some pals.
  14. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    First, I will wet my pants.
    Then, I will put in the disc, watch all the mini previews, then immediately back out.
    I will install to hard drive. While doing this, I will read the little guide book and the ONI notes.
    Download the exclusive Elite armor and the Recon bonus.
    Go back in for some Campaign!
  15. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Campaign on normal
    Check out forge/gametypes
    Do a few MM games
    Campaign on legendary
  16. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Conker's Plans Upon Purchasing Halo: Reach
    Upon waking up at approximately 6:00am on the 14th of September I will take a shower, put some clothes on, eat a nutritious breakfast, brush my teath with the blue plaster I call toothpaste, and then walk to the bus stop where I will await the ever looming horror I call "school." After sitting in a chair for approximately six hours straight while being lectured by a long-haired, two legged television, I will then rush home, toss my backpack onto my bed, and then beg one of my parents for a ride to Game Stop. I will reach Game Stop at about 4:30pm on the 14th of September where I will then walk up to the counter and ask the clerk for my pre-ordered copy of Halo: Reach. He will ask me for $49.99 and I will hopefully have the $49.99 to give to him. I will peer over the counter at the cover of Halo: Reach, and he will ask me if I want a bag for that. I will tell him "Yes, please." and he will grab a bag from under the counter, toss Halo: Reach into the bag, hand it to me, and I will run out of the store skipping like Charlie from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory when he nabbed the last golden ticket. Swiftly I will slide into the back seat of our Mitsubishi Sports Car, and we will fly home at 500mph (Please Daddy please!).

    Upon reaching my small, compact, urban apartment building I will slice the cover off Halo: Reach's box with a machete, and shove it into my Xbox 360. While it is loading I will then procede to wash my hands because I have obsessive compulsive disorder or I'm a germaphobic or something. When I am finished washing my hands, I will jump into my bean bag chair (That's right...) and load up Forge. All of my friends will be begging me for invites to my game, and all I will do is laugh at them while they play campaign by themselves. Depending on whether or not Forge is a full map creator or just a map editor, I will make the best map ever.

    So basically I plan on playing Forge, then Campaign, then Multiplayer. In that order...
  17. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Whats the plan if you don't have the $49.99? ASPLODE? That's what I'd do.
  18. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well my plan over the summer is to get a job, and make the money through tough work and labor. Just kidding, I'm planning on begging my Grandma for the money, plus several dollars more.

    But if my plan fails I'm gonna be the most pissed off, dissappointed kid ever. Stupid birthday in November, and stupid Christmas... Hold on a second. I forgot I have store credit. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!
  19. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    What I'm thinking of doing is Play MatchMaking for first Season while everyone sucks(including me)because no one has enough time to learn everything then I can have an advantage(Don't ask my why I just see it that way).

    Then play campaign to see all amazing things I haven't noticed yet from MM. Then After completeing campaign go for 1000G either get it or don't then try get a high score on Firefight.

    Then not use forge for a while let other people find out all the secrets so when I make a map I'm not like DAMMIT I could of saved hours just doing that simple thing. also when I forge to much I get worse at playing and I need to stay good at playing to get 1000G and high score on firefight.
  20. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    As soon as I wake up on the 14th of September Im going to go to the shops and... OH WAIT DAMN YOU AMERICAN TIME make me wait!!

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