Thanks for the first 'proper' review of the map. I know what you're talking about with that particular bridge. I might actually try to rectify that now. It frustrated me a bit yesterday so I decided to leave it. The stairs are angled slightly awkwardly due to the boxes above being slightly higher than the height of the stair. That meant I had to angle the stairs upwards slightly to make movement smooth for players. Screenshot wise I tried really hard to get some decent pics but the invisible barrier, as well as the surrounding walls stopped me getting a good overview. I'll try to get some action shots tomorrow evening. Ammunition wise... eh... I put most of the power weapons on long respawn times. However, the less used weapons were given shorter respawns. I never wanted someone thinking that they needed some more carbine ammo, or had run out of (God forbid) magnum ammo. I might increase the spawn time on the SMGs though. Thanks for the great response. I'll definately give your suggestions a thought. EDIT: I'm off for tonight (it's 1am here) but thanks for the great feedback so far guys. I've already started to work on an improved version having taken on board the suggestions here.
Wow thank you for not wasting my time with your post. You actually did it right (unlike most idiots that join this site). I love the layout of this map. The only thing I don't like is that there isn't any cover on the ground in front of the turret. But that's okay since not a lot of fighting is going to go down there. Again, great job.
Thanks guys, I really appreciate the tips. An updated version should be posted later with a couple of changes. The quality of replies I've seen has been fantastic. Bnet can't compare to this level of response. Thanks for the feedback.