DOWNLOAD HERE(UPDATED VERSION) A Crazy Race track with a working loop de loop and 250mph drops and surprises. Smooth, with some rocky terrain and massive drops and jumps. Play with default race variant. 'Can You Pass the Monkey God's trials and escape his wrath?' Hello forgers. I'm new to this forum, I actually made this account today. I've never really been into forging, but I made this Racemap which I would like to show you guys. It's my first ever forge map, and I will give you a quick tour, I will add a video later : BIG THANKS TO T4K SHADOW FOR THE SMOOTH HILL BIT AND FOR HELPING ME WITH THE CHECKPOINTS. This is were you guys will start, go up the ramp and into the 'Circle of Ascension'. Once you've passed the 'Circle of Ascension' you will face a small jump. Here is the jump, after this you will clear a checkpoint and go through the 'Rock God's' Head. Because you cleared the jump, the 'Rock God' provides you with a safe, but bumpy terrain for you to cross. After going through a teleporter, you will be greeted with the loop de loop, this is the second of the 'Monkey God's' trials. Ready To Jump! Make Sure You Go In Straight . FALLING! Don't worry, you will be teleported into a cave What the 'mini cave' looks like. After this you will travel towards the 'Monkey God's' third trial. A mini jump, which will prepare you for the final of the 'Monkey God's' trials. The Monkey God himself, firing his LAZARS at you. He looks alot better in the actual game . MONKEY GOD ATTACK!!! Try to time your pass. Back to the beginning. Please post your comments and opinions, this is my first ever map so tell me how it could be improved. It would be appreciated if I could get a rating out of 10. DOWNLOAD NOW
I really enjoyed this map, it's not the longest race map which suits me, I like shorter race maps with more laps. There was a point where I fell off of the track but didn't fall into a kill zone so had to either try to get back on the track or drive into the water to die, this occurred when I missed the teleporter after the long man-cannon jump after the loop-the-loop, you could maybe enlarge the teleporter area, or have a large kill zone behind it to remedy this. Also, I found that respawning left me facing the wrong way, only when I was more familiar with the map was I quick at turning my view whilst waiting for respawn - I did a little investigation and found that on the capture plates, the edge where 'UNSC' is printed is the direction in which you will face at respawn (please verify this though), therefore I recommend rotating the capture plates so that 'UNSC' faces the direction of travel. I thought the loop-the-loop was great, I would have liked to have been man-cannoned at the end of the loop so momentum took me quickly into the large man-cannon jump, but this is just my preference. Also, on a first run it was not obvious that i had to do a 180 turn to begin the track again, I know there is feedback by the commentator that a lap is completed, but at this moment I am traveling fast and looking ahead into the cave expecting to drive through there - maybe a simple crescent wall of some kind can alert the racer to the 180 turn before you get there. I will definitely play this map with friends, like I said, I prefer shorter race tracks, I can choose how many laps in the game settings pre-game depending on who I'm playing with. Nice map, and keep on forging
I forget exactly where I landed, but I found myself on the island driving around and managed to drive back on the track right after the cave teleporter receiver, a large kill zone just below the landing pad after the big man-cannon jump could be a good way to go.
This is a really good track. The forging (for the most part) is clean. The track is a pretty good length, and it doesnt get boring. The aesthetics are pretty good, and the use of teleporters is great, although sometimes it can mess up, and you end up facing a wall at the other end. Apart from that, I have only one gripe. At the start of the map, you need to drive up two circular ramps. It isnt a bad concept or idea, and Im sure some people like it, however I despise driving on those, on any map. TL;DR Great map, with a couple of insignificant flaws. 8.5/10
Me no get credit no? =[ I made the part you see in the background here, the nice smooth hill bit: I also helped him with checkpoints and fixed sooooooooooooooooooo many things on this map, like seriously.
Well, I never claimed to have done it all. Btw if you remember I asked you if I could put your name on it and you said don't bother . If you play the edited version(new one) you'll see that I changed SOOO many things, including the checkpoints and the man cannon.