I've got a great idea, i already have a map ready for publishing, but the problem is for my game type to work each side would start with there weapons (rifle for human, carbine for covie). the map itself isn't the question here, i want to use a infection game type which means each side (attacker=human defenders=covie) could have there respective weapons. BUT i need it so the covies wont start joining the humans once they are killed, any ideas guys? note: it doesn't need to be infection just so each side starts with different weapons but when they die both sides stay on there side rather than becoming "infected"
VIP? i dont supose you have any custom games already like what i need? VIP is unfamiliar ground and i would take a while working stuff out.. wait i've sorted it... you are now one of my favorite-est people XD you ever need help I'm here... unless it emotional...