I think the halloween playlist was way fun way back when it was up. I also think that Bungie should tweak it and make it permanent
i think that bungie should make it a playlist but with different gametypes and maps for the gametypes. such as a speed zombies on sandtrap.. or a map on something like guardian with slower but tougher zombies
They shouldn't. Infection is fine for just custom games, and the occassional playlist. It shouldn't have a full time playlist.
What maps would you play on anyway? Theres going to be a lot of thought put in to the levels chosen to play infection. It just wouldn't work as smoothly as customs.
i never got to play the halloween playlist and i wish i was able too :[ they need to put it back up soon.. and randomly, because i dont wanna wait till next years halloween
You wish they would do this but they won't. This isn't the first infection playlist discussion. Bungie doesn't care for it's customers.
i never said i wanted it for a full time playlist maybe they could put it for a double exp weekend, or include it in lone wolves, because since i hate it, maybe with infection it could be cooler
Too much infection gets really boring after a while. Maybe a once in a while weekend playlist would be good.
I agree with you guys. It would be good as maybe a double-xp, because you would play it once in a while. Take Grifball for example. Having it as a permanent play list wouldn't work too well. After a few days, people would get extremely bored of it, unless it is their favorite game. A lot of people would not play it either, because it doesn't include the extra xp.
If there was a playlist nobody would be forced to play it. nobody plays objectives all the time. it would be just like any other playlist. as far as only for customs, maybe people don't have friends who play infection customs and they want to play infection.
No, it really isn't just fine. The Infection playlist was great. And if anyone else paid attention to the bugnie weekly update, now that Shiska is back, he said he will proabably make a permanent SWAT playlist and Infection playlist, so I don't know why this question was raised when the answer has been given.
I like this idea,not because i personelly want to play infection...frankly it lost its appeal to me *shrug* BUT a permanent/frequent zombie playlist might stop infection being the only playlist customs parties play.We might actually get osmething other than if you got casual players=infection If you have competitive players=brs and nothing else(boooooooring)