This map will have you spinning in circles, sweating while clasping your controller, trying to stay under control, you look all see 1, no, 2! zombies, you wield the br with perfect accuracy, headshot, turn around and switch to your shotgun in just enough time....DOUBLE KILL!! you think you've won, but they keep coming as they fall from the ceiling, you cant keep up, your sensitivity is at 10, and your sanity is gone, you go for the triple but another comes up behind you and............ ______________________ Ok so awhile back b4 i knew how to interlock i had a map called wherez he at where the humans would spawn on the floor and there would be 4 entries to the room from the ceiling that the zombies could enter from, but you would be constantly spinning around looking for him and as soon as you turn around.....DEAD!! owned it was fun, but there were a couple flaws... 1: you had grenades and could jump into the top floor and spawnkill the zombies 2: you could stand on someone's head in the corner and nade-jump out of the map[there was no ceiling] 3: unbalanced weapons 4: the map was so funny/fun/exiting that when i killed my friend from behind he had a heart attack and died.......[jk] 5: were the openings are there were shield doors and there wer small spaces at the top where you could throw nades into the cell openings and kill teh 3v1l ZoMb1f13rz!! THIS IS THE NEW VERSION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impressions Bottom floor[human spawn] Top floor[zombie spawn] <-----the openings are the boxes on the top left right and bottom And the added roof so no cheating smile-1.png The real Pics- bottom floor shotguns smg's magnums center br eyes up, you can see where he going zombies choose a path view of both floors Human spawn Zombie spawn View from outside Basic layout ______________________ Improvements : 1:no nade jumping 2:celling 3:balanced weapons 4:more supense and heart attacks!! ______________________ DOWNLOAD MAP DOWNLOAD GAMETYPE Featured here on H3 Artificers
If you wanted the map to be suspensful, whyy would you add the fencewall ceilings so you can see where the zombie is going?
This is a really nice post. And the map looks really fun and I bet it is suspensful, but like MattD said, you can see where he is going through the fence.. so it kind of ruins it. Other than that, the map looks great.
it makes it fun, while you watch one, your looking up, not around right? whats happens when you focus on one thing? you die
Well, If there is 1 starting zombie, thats all you need to focus on. everybody will watch him, when he is up there, and when he comes down, they will watch him down there. They will rape his newb ass until he finnally infects someone else, and even still there will only be two zombies and 7 people or something so they can still watch both at the same time. Repost this as a V2, where there are regular floors instead of fence walls.
yea but when the first zombie comes.....everyone runs for teh weapons and they get pwned then there are two and trust me, i have tried this, it is not hard to infect people, you say like"go in now" while they shoot him you run in, trust me, everyone shoots at the same person every time
Looks interesting, yet basic and complex at the same time. I'll give it a look; I just need to remember to delete some old content first.
Well, If the fence wall ceilings arent a problem, I am a little worried about the sheild doors. Why are they there? What is the reason for putting them in? Isn't there going to be camping because of them?
This is a really good post and map. It all looks neat and sounds fun. The little storry at the begining made me laugh. Good post and map! Got my download.
the shield door are there because the zombie drop down into those little cells, and the humans cant just kill them as soon as they get in, if the humans camp in there, they are obviousley stupid, because either the zombie will get him from above, while the one on the bottom distractes him, or the other way its actually better for the zombies to have them
Looks like it would get boring after two rounds. Also reminds me of Daggers, roof map. That one got boring after awhile. I will still dl and see :/