Tunel Crawlers on Tunel of DOOM ( and yes I do know that Tunnel is spelt wrong) With the help of Kygan185 and NinjaLadd94 for beta testing and http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-...hs-guide-making-infection-map.html#post291947 this couldn't have been done. It is an ifection map on rats nest that is a lot of fun. Note: I didnt do any interlocking because I didn't want to waste my time if it sucked so give my criticism about things other than it's looks because if it is popular I intend to make a v2. THAT MEANS THAT I WANT ONLY CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISIM! The objective is to fight of the zombie horde at each Holdout point until you reach the end of the tunnel and reach the humans last stand. the weapons don't respawn so use them wisely. hidden throughout the map ( and very well if I do say so myself ) are power weapons for the humans and very advantageous access points for the zombies. rounds are 8 minutes long and zombies have slightly increased speed but slightly reduced health. without further ado, here are the pictures. this is the zombie spawn this is the human spawn and holdout point #1 holdout point #2 holdout point #3 holdout point #4 holdout point #5 holdout point #6 holdout point #7 holdout point #8 holdout point #9 AND FINALLY... The last stand. Here are some action pictures. I know how to throw Here is a secret access point and how I used it Pretty ain"t it? He got eatified I gots me some skills yo... I can snipe you while you're texting. Here is the map link: Halo 3 File Details Here is the game link: Halo 3 File Details AND REMEMBER, ONLY CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM.
could see better.. doesnt look that fun, maybe for a few people and it would get old.. there really isnt anything that stands out...maybe use less teleporters to hold things in place.. why are those even put there like that?... 2.5/5.. is there any interlocking?
Dude, a map doesn't need interlocking. And on Rat's nest, its pretty ridiculous: the only really immovable object is bridges. He's a trainee, be reasonable. That's spam. Use your own thoughts, not someone else's. Okay... Your style of map is getting somewhere, and you did a nice job carrying it out. Having stages like that gives it a "mission" sort of feel. I'd like a bit more info about how your gametype works. Is it just regular zombies or are there some fancy spawning going on? Is there a bonus for reaching the end? Stuff like that. Last thing, try to avoid using rat's nest. It's not impossible to make maps with it, but since it's difficult to really "change" the environment (lack of items), it would be better to give it a shot on another map like foundry or sandbox where people can give you more credit on "creating" a map, instead of just putting objects down on another one. Other than that, your ideas have got some potential. Keep it up
retard! you spam... he is agreeing with my thoughts!!! SPAM= you doing... what did you even explain or tell about the map??? eh?eh?... all you said was "good potential" ..if you wrote that as like the first post of this map, you would recieve INFRACTION!!!! well , you can interloxorz double boxes open!and plenty or other things: weapon holders, the restr, blaH!!!!...and if you didnt know you can alSO GeOmerGe!!!!! the map makes a little sense to me now that i actually read through it, but it still sucks toddler balls! maybe you could try interlocking, at least to make it lookz nicEEEE!! and you should be happy that i rated it with a 4/5!
you got to be kidding me someone give this guy an infraction you don't need geomerging or interlocking to make a good map the teleporters are used to hold down movable objects and what constructive criticism did you give? that's right none you just said how bad his map is without telling him how to fix it. now i like the looks of this map i actually think it's good that you used a harder map to forge on. do each of the checkpoints give you new weapons to use because that would be a good thing. maybe add a mongoose or a warthog to aid the humans[edit] oh there are mongooses can you use them?[/edit]. also maybe make it a territories game(just a suggestion) so at every checkpoint you need to capture it, a vip game could also work with checkpoints. is it 1 hit zombie kill, if it is i would make zombies and humans equal so both teams have a chance of winning. i believe the differing structures and interesting forging(end building is cool) make this pretty good maybe the game could be tweaked a little right now i give it a 4/5 because the premise is good but it's not as good as you can make it. with a little improvement it could be very fun
hey buD!!!, i told him maybe to interlocK...turn On ur brAin a lil bit! that is advice, maybe i need to be more specific...that thing at the end that u got there,, and tat blocker thing u gotz at teh beigiining, also what need is there for the teleporters?oh no a zombie knocked over my barrier.bBOO hoo...go cry in a corner!... what i wanna know is ...IS THERE ANYTHING BLOCKING OFF THAT MIDDLE PASSAGE THING???EHEEHEHHEHEHEHE???
Did you even play it? In the rules of forgehub it says you must play the maps before you post comments on it. If you had played the map you would know that the middle area is blocked off, you would know if it was fun to play, and you would know how easy it is to kill the zombies. Sure I could have posted that stuff but this is only my thrid post and I forget things like that. I specifically said that I didin't want to hear about the interlocking and that this was a concept test. The only ones who gave me credible acvice were dangerbyrnes and Bootsie 22 and I thank you for that. LionsNate132 I reccomend reading the entire description of maps before making coments and please speak like a normal human being so that people can understand what you're saying.
What exactly don't you understand?...Did I spell something wrong?... And from the looks of it, I don't think that any of your supporters have actually played it. Ask them something that can't be seen by looking at the pictures. They haven't said anything about the map, and no one downloads the map before they post comments. Look at the time a thread was put up, then see when the first post was made... And I know that you haven't followed those rules, you've posted on maps before you have even downloaded them. I think that on the map for your v2 or update on this map, you could interlock, ditch some of the teleporters holding some of the items in place, change the spawning( it seems like humans could spawn kill the zombies, then if they run out of ammo the just grab a new weapon), and change the zombies damage resistance to something higher than 10%. dumb pig