I need more help building with my new map: Famine I am about 10% done building. i still need a lot of help from all of you guys on FH! please PM me on FH or XBL and you can help! i need lots of good Geo-lockers and Inter-lockers, cuz i suck at all that. The idea of famine is that now is a time of less food, it is simply, a famine. there is little food and ammo, and some people have gone crazy with hunger(zombies) killing anyone in their path. Since they are on a rampage, they will be strong, but a little bit fast. The humans must run away and survive the famine if that is possible. There are two small bases to stock up ammo on, then you must make your way to the large base's. there are two of each base. At each main base, there will be more ammo, and some more spots to hold off the famine. As the famine goes on, with little food, your eyesight will start going bad. (colorblind FX 3 mins in) and then finally, you will ultimately become very close to blind. (The foggy FX 10 mins in) If you can survive this famine, you will become a living legend forever. but i doubt you can survive this famine, they will stop at nothing to get food. Who will survive? The basic plans for the map are in this link:Image of Famine - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
...you can't make something spawn 10 minutes into the game. 3 minutes is the longest you can hold something off. Wrong section, btw
*Moved to Forge Discussion & unlocked.* (Textured did it to me, aswell, Insane...Don't feel bad...lawlawlawlawlawl <3) Commence helpful non-spam posts!