Well i was thinking of making a infection map on Ghost Town, but instead of penning up the humans in the buildings i am going to make walkways every where. Humans ability will be they can't jump high so if you fall off or get pushed you have 2 area's where you can get back on the walkways, but note this will be where the zombies will be trying their hardest to get too and go up the walkways. Zombies will have half damage but an increased jump, just high enough so they can slash people on the walkways without gettin on them buy jumping and swinging. So what ya'll think good idea?? Also there will be teleporter area's where zombies can kinda drop in on the humans if they arn't cautious.
Oh, I like that idea. Reminds me of Resident Evil, the movie, when they were on top of the pipes. Yeah, that idea has potential.