Infection game night, Saturday

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by nitrotomato, Sep 5, 2008.

  1. nitrotomato

    nitrotomato Ancient
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    Well, okay, the title was a slight lie. I'm going to host a game afternoon, but "game afternoon" sounds nothing like as catchy as "game night". I am planning to host a few games of infection tommorow, Saturday, at around 2:00PM GMT, running for 1 - 2 hours (most likely 1hour 30). The time may change, depending on the availability of people.

    As the title suggests, this game "night" is for people who simply can't get enough infection, and perhaps for people (like myself), who can never seem to find enough people to get a fun game going.

    If enough people sign up, I may host another on Sunday, if Saturday's games run smoothly enough.

    I want to make this as clear as possible. I am looking to play with people who are not too serious or competitive about the game; if you feel you are like this, please do not sign up. Conversely, I also feel that people who take the game too lightly can be somewhat annoying, although we are all here simply to have fun. There's nothing wrong with a bit of mucking around and having fun, I am looking for cool, fun people to play with :)

    So far, maps and players are unconfirmed, but here are the maps I hope to be playing tommorow; they are maps that require intelligent gameplay and not those boring maps where humans are impossible to defeat because of their super mega-ultra awesome fort.

    Omega Journey 3
    (Suggested by Gman)

    Traxus, Co. by FBU

    Convoy Tunnel by TrueDarkFusion, TheYavimayan, and rusty eagle

    Tree Rot by Bungie
    Suggestions for maps would be great.

    Death Valley by Bungie

    To sign up, simply enter your gamertag here and I will add your name to the roster and send you a friend request via Xbox Live (my gamertag: chonkemp). Accept, and when you see me online at just before 2PM, simply join the game session and we shall wait for it to (hopefully) fill up.

    Don't feel too intimidated, I like playing casually and feel free to come and go as you like, if you have a mike then I have absolutely no problems with you using it, provided you stay mature, and there are no insults or random noises.

    I have periodic problems with my NAT where it is moderate; if I restart my Xbox a few times it opens, so if you can't join me send me a quick message telling me and I'll restart my Xbox. Simple solution.

    Hope to see you tommorow. Feel free to ask me any questions.

    NB: I am not ripping of TGIF in any way, I'd just like to play some infection with a few people. I also feel slightly left out by TGIF; being in a British time-zone (lol) and can't play in them because of timing. Hopefully this will resolve that. ;)


    Current Roster

    (Guest) - Perhaps a no show
    #1 nitrotomato, Sep 5, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2008
  2. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well, put me on if you remove purple bunker, that is retarded,
    (i am 11, but im not a screaming little kid)
    well, ille be ok with bunker if its less than 5 rounds
  3. nitrotomato

    nitrotomato Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Maybe I'll remove. Depends on how many people want it. I'll add you tommorow morning.

    Edit: No need to justify yourself being 11. I do not mind kids at all. They can be more mature than the adults, as a matter of fact.
  4. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks, also, i have all the omega journey maps if you want to have them
    (3 is awsome, its so long i only made it once)
  5. nitrotomato

    nitrotomato Ancient
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    Sure, link me up. I'll take a look at them tommorow and maybe add them up if they're good :)
  6. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    cool, i love the barrier knocking down fatkid maps, it gives people more reasons to hit the barriers
  7. nitrotomato

    nitrotomato Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Quick update: a few of my friends have also signed up, this could turn out to be a good game, and the time will probably be moved.
  8. XED360X

    XED360X Ancient
    Senior Member

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    cool sounds great
  9. nitrotomato

    nitrotomato Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You signing up?

    EDIT: Game "night" is over. It failed in many ways, but it also was some sort of success. It only lasted 2 games, one on "Convoy Tunnel," and one on "Traxus Co." While I personally had a lot of fun and enjoyed both games immensely, the game had one major problem: whiners, and people who didn't enjoy the game. While I kept telling people that if they didn't enjoy it, they should leave, people kept on complaining and asking for "fat kid," which I personally find a rather poor excuse for a game of infection.

    I failed to understand why people were trying to subvert my party for gametypes that I liked, instead of starting their own and playing games that they enjoyed.

    The main problem was that we had to many friends and friends of friends added to this game. Next week, if I choose to play again, as I probably will, I'll stick to Forgehubbers only, I think.
    #9 nitrotomato, Sep 6, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2008
  10. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    whoa, i didnt know that it was over when i left, but FYI omega journey is actually made for fatkid-style games, while personally, i hate fat-kid map, as it ends up with humans just running around in circles away from the fatkid, this one actually ahs a way to get infected, you not knoking down barreirs enough

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