Brain Feast Hosted By Zombies, inc. O HAI. In case you didn't know, we're a group dedicated to weekly games of infection! We play intelligent infection, like Traxus Co, or Convoy Ambush. This is our fifth game night now, which will take place on Sunday 28th September, at 17:00PM GMT (or 11:00AM EST for those of you in the states). This game comes after the game we had last week, which, in my opinion, was bloody fantastic. But more about that later. So perhaps you want to sign up for this game of infection? How would you go about doing that? Simple. Simply post in this thread your Gamertag and I'll add you to the roster. I'll also send you a friend request on my Gamertag, chonkemp. You can also post any questions or map suggestions below if so you wish. On the day, I'll be there with an open party, simply hop in and hop out as you wish. One thing I do ask, that wasn't fulfiled completely last time, is for people not to be ridiculously immature with loud noises made into mics, screaming, or constant complaining. If you do not like a game or gametype, do not complain, simply leave, and come back when we've switched to one you like. Below is a list of the maps we (might) play: Traxus, Co. by FBU Convoy Tunnel by TrueDarkFusion, TheYavimayan, and rusty eagle Tree Rot by Bungie Club Dead by Bungie Township V3 by Something. Dig In Alpha by The Storm 59 Red Reign V4 by Nitrotomato (Maybe...a man can dream, can't he?) There we go. If you're interested, sign up =D. If you're still interested, below this is a "quick" recap of Sunday's game, along with some pics. This will give you a taste of what's to come. Roster: chonkemp InsaneSpinach Halostar317 Recount of Sunday 23rd Brain Feast Well, today's game was a blast! Although it did go wrong in pretty much every way it could. I had a very important commitment earlier that day which was meant to run till noon, but instead it ran till 16:00PM, so I didn't get home till half 5. Which was annoying, to say the least. Once the game got underway, more and more players joined, until we got the full 16! The maps and games were played, although we only played a few, and most people had a blast, although some complained quite a bit. It was a lovely, fun and casual evening. Here's a quick map-by-map breakdown: Convoy Ambush This game was by far the most fun. Not sure why though. It's probably a game best suited to 16 players. This was epic, both the zombies and humans played really well, with some amazingly coordinated convoys and some sneaky ambushes by the zombies. Notable achievements included the humans reaching the end of the tunnel several times, and one epic last stand involving 5 of the humans. Ridiculous fun. Some pics here. The human's most epic last stand; lasted over 20 kills. Er, mate, look behind you.... Oh come on, this has happened to the best of us.... Traxus Co. Not sure why, this game was slightly dry. This was probably due to some of the zombies being AFK, and the fact that coordination seemed to be a taboo this game. There were also some hilarious moments, one of which was me, spending the first 2 minutes of a game gearing up with nades, a sniper rifle, a br, and then being cut down before being able to fire off a shot. Ah the irony. Moar pics pl0x: Delta538 pwnz some serious zombies. Chance for an epic killionaire? Actually, the guy died straight after this screeny was taken. PHAIL. See if you can count the zombies! Township This map was our last, but was very fun. The zombies slaughtered the humans, but they were able to make some good last stands. Not much to say about this, other than a few unfortunate guys were left out on the streets when the zombies were released, and were promptly dead. Some humans made epic stands while others were cut down easily. Here are some pics. Attempting (and failing) a butterfly jump Poor guy, didn't have a chance.... The zombies break through!!! Last stand! This human survived, amazingly. That's it for this update.
Once again I should be able to make it. Hooray for me I on the pipe. Edit: If everyone has the Legendary maps I have a new game I wanna try
Nope, no Friday one this time, sorry. I have to work that day. You've both been added to roster though.