Infected Fort Story: This old fort was built back in 1532, but was reinforced in the year 2554 to be used against the covenant. The fort could very easily be defended because the ideal landscape that surrounded it. But that was back at the time it was built... Objective: This is like those old-school fort infection maps where the zombies attacked and the humans would defend their fort. But this one is better thought out and cooler. The zombies - who are supposed to be brutes - will attack the fort and try to kill the humans with their typical brute weapons, such as brute shots, spikers and carbines. If you're lucky you can get your hands on a hammer. The initial zombies start off with a gravity hammer, and can go and get some tasty weapons from their two armories. They will now try to infect some humans. Humans who get infected will start off as purple brute privates(or majors, idk) and have plasma pistols. I know, but there was no setting that let you give them spikers. They can also pick up weapons. The zombies shield wont recharge automaticly(yes), but they will recharge very slowly if you damage somebody. The humans start off with magnums and can go to their armory where they can find some SMGs, BRs, ARs and shotguns. These weapons never respawn - i think - but you have infinite ammo so be sure to get one before they run out. The humans should just try to stay alive. Description: I made this map a while ago, but wasn't really sure if I was finished yet. It took me about 18 hours to make the map, so it isn't crappy. But then it took me about a month or two to decide that I was done, and that I would publish it. The most noticeable thing on the map must be the big wall in the middle. The castle wall stretches across Foundry, and is two boxes high in the middle, otherwise its one box high. In one end of it is a bunker, which has a broken wall/window. To the left of the bunker is a merged grav lift. Not many maps have merged movable objects so it's kinda exclusive. In the middle of the high wall is a door that can be opened by destroying a fusion coil on the inside of the fort. Some signs are nicely interlocked with the wall so you only see the actual sign. And to the far left of the wall is a fence wall that's supposed to look like a beam sticking out of the wall. You can use this to get over the wall too. In the middle of the battle field are some merged walls - that are supposed to looks crappy - and some scenery to make it looks cooler. Right outside of the caves(the back hallway) are merged man cannons that take you to cover or near the big wall. There's also some cover there. The wire spools act as movable cover - you can roll them forward while taking cover behind them. screenshots: sorry no action screens. I didn't have time to take some. Special Thanks: Goes to DA HITMAN 117 and freddehogberg for helping me with some parts of the map. I would also like to thank all the guys who helped me test the map. Except for those bitchy little 9 year-olds who always wanted to be the leader and started calling me names because I said no. Download the map: Here. Download the gametype! Here! note: If anybody comments without reading the description I will give him/her -rep and report you for spam.
best interlocked map ever lol. hey also, good job interlocking the teleporters and making the wall look smooth, 5/5
hey its da pig and all though i am not a fan of fortified zombie maps i gotta say that this is really well made except the armory ruined it for me. it is just not fair for the zombies with one.
Well the zombies have one too ', However, it doesn't seem like you read the description first before commenting, so I have to give you -rep :\. Don't say I didn't warn you.
That is a REALLY good fort. I like the fence wall stairway. You should get a screenshot of all the cover the zombies get, because the only thing i see is those walls back where the zombies spawn, and the two that are next to eachother in the middle of the field. I'll download and check it out.
See that's where the wire spools come in. You can roll them forward while taking cover behind them. Pretty smart, huh?
Good idea with the rolling wire spools as cover. I was gonna say something about not a lot of cover... but then I read that post you made. Very niicee. 4.8/5
This is seriously the sweetest fort I have ever seen. Awesome job, it looks extremely fort-like and really just damn awesome. I love the teleporter node symbol on the door, and as I said, it's like the most fort-looking map I have seen, terrific job!
this map looks really well made great interlocking but the geomerging looks kinda sloppy might want to ever so slightly geomerge the ramp so it has no bumps
Thanks I'm glad everybody likes it! Well if you're referring to the walls in the big field, they are supposed to look crappy, and if you're referring to the ramp inside the fort, it isn't merged, but it has a fence wall in it. So there are no bumps that I know of...
aright thr ramp w/ fence wall just looked bumpy and its fine if its supposed to be messy geomerging lol
This post is up to standards. Please read the first link in my sig to learn exactly how your post was correctly structured. You can haz epic winsauce. But no, seriously good job. I know armories typically aren't good, but it is a base map. And brutes normally have little armories on campaign. Maybe you should give the humans better starts though and eliminate their armories? Idk they have the base. It is your map. Good job.
nice aesthenics, it is well forged, but i think you could add more cover for the attackers, i tihnk inside the firt, it has a nice layout, qith real cool interlocking and geomerging.
I like this maps neat interlocking, but the first thing I noticed was its close layout to fort la roqe or whatever that map is. You did a nice job and this map looks like you took time on it. I also like how its a little easier to get over the wall as a zombie. The bunker isnt as cool but workks fine and looks well constructed. nice jon 5/5
looks pretty good for a fort map. i love the wire spool idea, so original. the only problem for me is that the idea is not that original. i give it a 4/5