This map took me over 10 hours to make. My friends and I played this for hours. Its really fun. I really enjoyed making and playing this. Map: Infected City ----YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THE GAME VARIANT---- ----YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THE GAME VARIANT---- ----YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THE GAME VARIANT---- Overview of map 2nd floor of main the right is a little hallway going to the garage Main Base Balcony Garage Safe House Inside Safe House ---Info About Map--- Made by ThatGuy STL 1 secret room 1 safe house 1 base 1 garage 1 turret 1 queen size bed 2 mongooses 2 grav lifts ---Zombie Traits--- no health 125% speed 75% gravity start with sword can pick up equipment and weapons (only so if they go in the safe house to kill the people in it, they can get out) poor camo ---Human Traits--- normal health start with shotgun The safe house is the building next to the main base. To get there you have to get on top of the main base then jump on the ledge that goes around the whole map, then walk towards the safe house and jump in. The safe house has two rooms and to get out of the safe house there is a grav lift inside, just simply throw it on the ground on jump on it. The base has a secret room (find it yourself). It also has a two car garage that holds the two mongooses. It has a balcony. You can get on top of the base with a grav lift but first you have to crouch jump through the window panels. In the center of the map there are a bunch of random objects and a long tunnel that you can go through.
Wrong section, as well as the name needs to be changed. Infection type maps go into the casual map section, and the name of the title is only allowed to be the map title.