iNfeCteD CaVe!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by IxXROADKILLXxI, Aug 17, 2008.


    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    The Infected Cave!
    The Back Story:

    One week ago a little girl went missing while playing in a cave 10 minuets away from a small town near yellow stone park. In that one week she was missing, the community were trying to gather up a rescue team to see if they could find the poor little girl and stop the mental madness of the family and community. That team is YOU. Armed with only a pistol and two eyes, you get ready for your descend down the tight and deep hole. You and your team are now in the cave, and BAM! 1 member drops dead, then another, and another! You look 360 degrees around you, and see nothing but Meany passage ways that leads too places you have no idea where they go. Now your new rescue mission is too save your self. How you do it is all up to you. Go where it could be safe, or go were it might not.
    The cave well look like this from the out side. Humans spawn in the fence box's at the highest point on the map (Ground level). The starting zombie spawns some where in the bottom of the cave.
    This is the Humans re-spawn of the hole game. The zombies re-spawns are a bit different.​
    This is the zombies re-spawn after the starting one dies. It is like this so that the humans can not camp at the starting point. Once your in the cave your not getting out.​
    Hear is where the (starting) zombie starts in the Begin of each round. Once dead the zombie spawns up at ground level.
    The custom Power up well give the zombie 30 seconds of camo and radar. The custom re-spawns every 30 secs. It is too be mainly used for those hard to get humans. So try not to waist it.​
    The small and deep hole you drop in is a bit deadly if you just drop in their. I would throw a grenade before i fell in, just in case any zombies were waiting for the taste of my flesh.​

    Some Rooms To Stay In.

    During the game you might want to find a few rooms too pull out your camping set and camp. Their are guns in all of them, but they are a little hidden, so you are going to have too dig a little for them. Here are a few rooms in side the cave.​
    The Machine Gun Room.
    The Underground Lake Room.
    The Barrel Room
    The Gravity Lift Room.
    The Tepee Room.
    The Last Man room.​


    PS: This is my first post. So.Yeah.
    Thx BoodVain for the entertainment while i was forging the map.
    Could not have done it without you ;P​
    #1 IxXROADKILLXxI, Aug 17, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2009
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Try putting your images in the [ img] [ /img] code. You're close, though. (Remember to delete the spaces).
  3. TheRevXa7xX

    TheRevXa7xX Ancient
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    Looks like fun it has good interlocking and looks smooth. But you should embed your pics.
  4. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    This map looks very interesting to play on. Great interlocking and a good use of space (based of the pictures of course). I'll download this and check it out later.

    By the way, the links for the gametype and map aren't working for me. I used both IE and Firefox.
    #4 Master Debayter, Aug 17, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2008
  5. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    Your pictures were deleted or moved. Please repost them. I am interested in the map just because of the story, but without seeing it I can't rate or comment on it.
  6. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    Sounds like a cool map. 1 Problemz, NO PICS!!
    No pics, No DL

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry for the defect. The screen shots are ready too be looked at. :)
  8. zero inx

    zero inx Ancient
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    I like the map. It's got a really claustrophobic and jagged feel, perfect for infection. The only problem I got here is with your title. You should try to refrain from using the caps on and off thing it makes the map look tacky. Overall 4/5
  9. stevobo852

    stevobo852 Ancient
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    just my personal opinion, i really do not care for small enclosed infection maps but still looks like a good map =]
  10. haseoice

    haseoice Ancient
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    yore spelling is terribel. lern hao to spell rite and aisle downlode. just kidding, haha but seriosuly, please spell right. it makes the post SO much better. sometimes i just wanna rip people's -- nevermind. 4/5. like one guy said, a little claustrophobic. maybe add a big, wide open area with mongeese! is it mongees or mongooses. oh my god... I HAVE QUITE THE DILEMA ON MY HANDS!

    edit: was that a complete waste of post or am still talking too much. is that really a problem? can you actually hear this? maybe i'm TYPING too much. yeah. typing too much.... maybe i should lay off the caffeine and go to bed. GOOD NIGHT
    #10 haseoice, Aug 17, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2008
  11. Bloodydagger1

    Bloodydagger1 Ancient
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    Great map, the ingenius way that the humans cant camp the zombie respawn is good, and the way that he has different ways to go, not just one single way to follow. 5/5
  12. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    i like it i think it is very well made looks like it could play well
  13. BlackDistortioN

    BlackDistortioN Ancient
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    Good work i like this map! It's look realy fun so i will download and try it Good Work!! 5/5 I can see he's Pictures!
  14. Frozenghost001

    Frozenghost001 Ancient
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    just a quick question. what's the gametype called? i looked u op on bungie, downloaded the map, but don't know what gametype to use. can you tell me what gametype? thanks.

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    it's called "The Study".
  16. The Crusader

    The Crusader Ancient
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    wow looks superb. nice interlocking. ive been meanining to make a cave map but now I dont have to. in the next version i would suggest you make humans spawn with swords as secondary weapon and close off some rooms with barriers and have the humans have to "dig" to get to them.

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well i might just do that. But thats after i finish my 5th map. I have like 3 maps to post :/
  18. on1yt3hb3st

    on1yt3hb3st Ancient
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    The map looks fun but the links aren't working like master debayter said...... so if you could post new links that would be great.=D
  19. whiizzle

    whiizzle Ancient
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    they are working for me.. i love the map, when you first mentioned the cave idea, i thought like just a bunch of tunnels like omega journey, but when i saw this it looked amazing. i loved what you did with the whole cave idea, but i think that the fence boxes should be something else so that the humans cant see though em, it makes it look weird, like why am i up this high, i thought i wwas digging under ground not through a mountain:p

    oh well it looks amazing, you really did well branching off of the whole bunker style forging...5/5
  20. Arbacca

    Arbacca Ancient
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    I agree with above, it actually feels like a cave map!
    Other than the fences that let you see outside, it's a great map. But you can't really help that. If you have sand box, I suggest you make a cave in the crypt. THAT would be amazing.

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