Industrial Created by ZServ Middle class struggle. This map, like any other map I've finished, was not something I thought up ahead of time. I just sort of make it up as I go, and hope it works out. This map is asymmetrical, however I also tried to keep a very "arena" feel to it. Aesthetically the map is very much inspired by the likes of Construct and Foundry. The name comes from the idea that the map is an industrial plant taken over for military training, and I think that should come through from the very first time you play it. A quick peek at Blue spawn. Now, a quick peek FROM Blue spawn. Red spawn, reporting in. Did I mention there's an upper level? The pictures are from my phone, so I apologize about the overexposure. Like Toastman, this is the best I can do right now. However, if this is in place, you can play the map right now. I still have a lot of kinks to work out, so if you feel like testing feel free to play it to your hearts content and upload film to your file share. If you do so, remember to leave a comment so I can find it! Comments and constructive criticism are always welcome, as well.
I think you should give more purpose to those pipes. They look randomly placed so that they're just there for cover, not to actually look like something that has pipes on it. It's awesome having new pieces to work with, but don't just use them cause you have them. For example: Make a catwalk out of pipe that you can walk on, or make a building that has pipes coming out of it. Not just pipes going from the ground to the ceiling in random directions. Also, could you name it something else? A little more interesting maybe. Yes the theme of the palette is industrial but come on, you can think of something better.
Actually, while you can't see it all that well, I've got quite a few areas designed around the pipes. In images 1 & 2 the slanted pipe are the same pipe, allowing for a walkway up to that nest (while is also accessible via a grav lift & jumping from red spawns pipeline), and as mentioned in the last sentence, red spawns pipeline provides a walkway, jump path, and serves aesthetic purposes. Lastly, to get to the upper level also involves piping. The pipes that provide cover are somewhat randomly placed, but were also added after the rest of the map was completed so as to break up LOS as the map is quite small. Edit: I'll also work on a better name, just for you <3.
The layout looks Ok, but I fear the industrial theme might be a little overdone on Erosion. You said in the description "I just sort of make it up as I go", and it seems you just shoved a load of pipes together randomly and called it an "industrial" map, to be honest. Also, not a fan of the way you merged that incline to the landing bay piece in pic#2 - it just doesn't feel "right" if you know what I mean. PS: The name "Industrial" is an adjective, which kind of makes it weird.
You might be right about the theme being overdone. Time will tell. Feels very Foundry-era forging on it. While I feel that the pipes are fine as-is and have been during current playtesting, I'll try to check if there's any super dangerous LOS I need to eliminate, might just re-do the entire piping (well as far as cover piping is concerned). I turned the incline upside down to match the two attached to the 3x3 blocks. I'll also try to get some gameplay footage tonight so that people can get a better feel for the map. Currently thinking about possible new names. Aggregation is a possibility, but who knows what I'll decide on . Thank you both very much for your input.
Nice map! Will be downloading and play testing tonight and making a Youtube video if it's as good as I expect!
You need more pipes! Just kidding, but like Paints said....use them with more structural necessity in mind.
Maybe you could make it seem like the Pipes are holding up the Ceiling and then hang a catwalk through it.
Alright, made some changes to the map based off of the feedback I've gotten so far and while it still needs testing, the new version is now available on my fileshare for testing, under "Industrial v2." I've removed a pipeline running vertically near the overlook, as well as changed the positioning for another pipeline that ran through the top and bottom floors to better encourage movement through the map, and changes an additional piping in the upper section that now leads through the gap and to the floor level, allowing an additional way up. I added more spawns, and messed with the current spawns some, so the map should be playable on any variant of Team Slayer up to 8v8, but 4v4 is the recommended value. Free for all should be fine, and spawns should be a bit less troublesome than they were. 1 Flag CTF should work, as should KOTH. If I can figure out how the hell to setup Oddball I'll do that too (unless it goes by Flag spawn, in which case that's set up). Still working on getting some gameplay to upload, but keep the comments/criticism coming. Also, if you play test the map with a group, if you could upload the footage to your file share and let me know that would be fantastic.