Industrial site Description Industrial site is a map i have been working on for about a week now and i am very proud of it. the map is my first enclosed map so i didnt really know what to expect. the overall turnout is great and has taught me a thing or two about enclosing a map. so the map is a slayer map that involves skill and knowledge of the map. with three levels, there is plenty of room to fight. the map uses about half of foundry and has a very unique feel to it. YouTube - A halo 3 Awesome enclosed foundry map: industrial site Weapons list 2-br's 1-carbine 1-shotgun 1-rocket launcher 1-needler 1-mauler 2-smg's 4-stickies 1-regenerator 1-shield drainer 1-bubble shield Recommended gametypes 2V2 FFA 1v1 Pictures If you go through the teleporter you go to bottom level of the map. ] Action pics Hope you like Industrial site! if you have questions about my map, send me a message. To download industrial outpost click on the link below Halo 3 File Details
I think that this looks pretty good. It has a very wierd layout, from the pics you showed us, and I think that is always a good thing. There are a lot of walkways though, long walkways, which means you could just fire at someone the entire time they walk down one, which isn't good. Also, it looks a bit small for rockets, but what ever. I want to still check it out though
This looks pretty good, i feel like the weapons are a little too close, like the hallway with the bubble shield, shotgun, and bruteshot. other than that, well forged, good aesthetics 4/5
Really nice layout you have here. Great aesthetics, I'll definitely DL. Only thing you should fix is the weapon layout, as | FrEeSaMpLeS | mentioned. I think this map has what it takes to be featured. 4.5/5
I just did a forge-through, and I lOVE the layout! I think this map has a TON of potential, but it needs a little fixing. For one, some of you interlocking is a little sloppy, and even though it doesn't have a big impact on gameplay, it makes the map look unprofessional. Some of the things that caught my eye was the dumpster in the crane, the fence boxes making up the floor in the rocket room, and the ceiling of the big ramp (I think that ramp is awesome BTW). The ramp itself could use a little work too. As the guys above me said, the weapon layout could also use a bit of work. One thing that concerns me gameplay wise is the equipment. On a small enclosed map like this, equipment is way to overpowered. I would just get rid of it altogether. I have a few questions though. Is the stuff outside of Foundry just for sound effects? Why is there a random flamethrower on the crane? Why is there a dumpster in the crane? Overall, this map has a great layout and has a ton of potential. I would definitely suggest a v2 with some cleaner interlocks and a tweaked weapon/equipment set. I will edit this post when I have run some customs. Good job on it. PS: Here's a little gameplay tip You can jump from the ramp from pic 9 through the gap by the crane to get the the bottom level. The enemies will never see it coming.
looks pretty good. i like the long hallways and nice job on getting the bubble sheild to stand streight up.
umm first id just like to say that u will get an infraction for such a short post now on to the map lol alright well this map looks like itll be awesome and have outstanding gameplay im DLing it right now to try it out; awesome geomerging and fusing; all the ramps and tunnels will be fun to play in great map 4.5/5
Very nice map, Mich. Aesthetics are great, i really like the layout, and gameplay sounds to be fun! the only thing is the dumpster in the crane. it just looks like it shouldnt, be there, for me. i dunno,but the rest is really good! 4.5/5, and a DL.
kool map, you can never go wrong with enclosing a map. looks like it would play well on 1v1. maybe we can play sometime
well the layout looks beast, the interlocking has some faults though try to spend more time on it. I'll go through a forge through and comment later.
I didn't get a chance to test this with others but did a detailed runthrough. This map has a great balance of open areas and corridors, and the weapons placement seems alright. I would give the power weapons minimum ammo, though. It looks good aesthetically and the design is pretty good as well. There were a couple problems. One, is that you went through a great effort to stop people from breaking out, but then you put in two fusion coils that make it pretty easy to fusion coil jump out of the map. It wouldn't be a big deal, but you have a shotgun with full ammo out there for some reason, and you can get back inside the map pretty easily. You can also run around on top with ease. And is the flamethrower supposed to be a weapon on this map? Because you can get to it after getting out of the map, or if you jump into that geomerged dumpster, it starts jiggling around and sometimes pops out, making it so you can get up there from the OS hill. Overall, this would be a pretty fun map to play some slayer on, as long as you fixed up the weapons a bit.
Could have given me the link. Any who I like the layout of this map but like YouTuber said, it has a weird feel. I like how clean your interlocking is but work on weapon placement. Good map.
My word for this map is "clean." I think it has a very nice flow, which makes it easier to dominate the opposition. I would suggest having a couple people from the testers guild work out the kinks. (interlocking) i give it about an 8/10 for origonality, and 5/10 for creativety and complexity. All in all, its a 7.
it looks pretty good. The only big problem I see is that the overshield is right by the rockets... O.S.+ rockets = unfair. I see some good game play uses in the geometry, and I think that this map is pretty well made. 4/5 good job
One foundry map that actually got to use cool indoors and outdoors... that's pretty cool. Nonetheless of what people say, this in my mind is awesome. Just work on interlocking in some places and remove the overshield or rocket. 4/5
thanks man, i really took some time to think about the layout but the rockets and oversheild are really unfair. do you think its worth a V2?
Yea, it sure is. Sadly, foundry got screwed up a few days ago, maybe about July 10th? Could you maybe remake it for Sandbox? And I don't get why I got infracted... I was just saying that No matter what people said, it's a cool map in my opinion.