Industrial Settlement As is the same with every piece of Mother Nature's beauty, it will end up scarred by the tyranny of civilization. The Industrial Settlement is designed as a Big Team Battle map and supports a maximum of 16 players. The Industrial Settlement was built in a rarely used area of Forgeworld, overlooking the valley of Hemorrhage and far away from the sea. Natural and man-made formations collide and merge in this map and form a diverse landscape. This map supports all game types excluding Invasion and Invasion variants. As the name suggests, Industrial Settlement takes place in a newly industrialized area. Several large buildings of varying size provide an unconventional atmosphere compared to the average forge map, while the constructs themselves create vertical game play in an otherwise small area. Download Here Insomnia Map Pack | Kri'eesce | Tower of Ascension | Industrial Settlement | Patchy | This map is apart of the Insomnia Map Pack. For more information about Tedium's *****'s other Map Packs, click here.