[aname=top].[/aname] Indiana Wine By: Running Chron Finally it has arrived, the long anticipated conquest map by running chron... No that sounds extraordinarily pompous, but it has been a work in progress. Most of you have played it and probably saved it, lol. But anyways lets get to it, this is a "perfectly" symmetrical, 100% interlocked, and smooth map... I mad this map starting from three stories up, almost to the top barrier on foundry. No part of this creation touches the ground floor of foundry, all in all it was a pain in the a** to make. It was strictly made for conquest, however two bomb, two flag, and king of the hill are extraordinarily fun! Download Indiana Wine Download Conquest http://youtube.com/watch?v=1ssr_WOjV7o&fmt=18 Players will start in parallel boxed environments, this is also the first territory for both sides in conquest, and basically you go forward... however that teleporter behind you will take you to a sealed box on your opponents side of the map. This ideal is credited to wakko and furious, but if you enemies leave you in the box it will act as a power play for them! You can also shot through a window panel that separates the two sides... Ok what you are seeing here are the first hallways that you must walk down to get to the middle of the map. You are also seeing very unique designs, and the assault arming area, contrary to aspers video. They were moved closer to avoid confusion... Ok what you are seeing here is basically the middle of the map, you have to go down this hall to get to the middle territory or the hill in king of the hill. In the top photo you are seeing someone that went into their teleporter and turned around to help out their friends in the middle of the map... What you are seeing in the pictures below is the second territory for each team, there are only five territories on this map, and the middle of the map is easy to control if you work together, all of the markers for the territories are interlocked just inches below the floor so that you don't step on them and they don't get in the way, like I said, this map is 100% interlocked... There are also two hidden fusion coils in the map, and if you blow them both up then you will receive a soccer ball in the direct center of the map... wa-la *I hope that you download this, because you will enjoy it... *CTF tip, when you get to the enemies flag you have two or three different ways you can go about scoring, you can toss it through the middle panel, go though the enemies teleporter and toss it out to your team, or just do it the old fashion way and turn around and run. It's tactical and very fun... hope that you enjoy! Download Indiana Wine Download Conquest running chron productions... [jumpto=top]how about we just go back to the top[/jumpto]
I like the spot at pics 3 & 4. Sounds tough to make if it was all in the air. Did you stack stuff, or save/end game to get everything up high? Definately putting it on the dl que
Well I stacked and saved and quit a lot, all in all it was the most hardest and most frustratingly map I have done, and quite frankly I'm glad that it is done, and I love the game play, and the way it turned out. If you download this map you will not be disappointed, I promise you this much... running EDIT... Giggity In deed lightsout, Giggity In deed
lol very nice ive been testing this map almost everyday for the past week and i like your video it has a slow-mo on me and im in it like every 5 sec lol. 4/5
Awesome map, this is a great one. I think you can use better screenshots though because I feel they do not do their justice. But this is a good map to play Conquest on, glad you finally finished it.
Thanks guys, enjoying the feed back... Mike I will take a look at the screens shots, I did post it kind of fast. It was hard to get the camera in places that I wanted because of the top wall of foundry... keep em coming guys, I spent a lot of time on this map... A map this small took about 40 + hours to make, not including testings, believe it or not....
Map looks good, I like that the interlocking is neatly done and not all messy like usual maps. I will be downloading soon.
you probably didn't realize it but i was in a bunch of games on this map with you in testing. Its really cool. My ffavorite thing to do is spawn camp through the little windows in between the two starting spawns. I noscoped Ferretness like 20 times that way. Then again, he wasn't playing.
interlocking is my specialty, I basically interlock everything on all of my map. So I just got really good at it over time... I remember playing it with you, and I did put this map through a lot of testing before I released it. Thats about the only way you can spawn camp is to get a no scope through the window panel, but If teams work together then they will just kill you, or simply just move on fast enough so that you cant kill them, only damage them... There are a lot of different tactics for every game type, even though the map is actually kind of small!
Chron, what happened to the videos of me scoring in assault 3 times for a critical victory? And I guess the video of conquest too...
I know my tactic for this map and so does Insane54 and Shock Theta. I laughed so many times as I got assassinations and beatdowns from my 'Ninja' spot. It was quite fun with only two people, the only thing I don't like is grenade spam with large teams, it seems like the 'cowbell' kills the herd. Overall I loved it, and it was really fun.
Thanks rusty, you like it and that it all that matters to me... lol, but really I would recommend that you take starting grenades off, They are already off on conquest which is great, but really if you never get a chance to experience ctf, assault, and koth on this map then shame on you, shame... ha ha, rofl... Kapura, I went ahead and let asper do the video for this map... I changed the assault arming place because before you had to go through your enemies teleporter and arm the bomb on your own side, which was unique, fun, and extremely tactical, but then again it was confusing even for me sometimes, because your arrow pointed one way and you had to go the other... But luckily he only did like 10 seconds worth of assault at the very end... your truly
Man... with the amount of conquest maps being made we could have our own playlist. All joking aside I found this map amazingly Fun. Another win for Running Chron.
Thanks tusk, glad you like it... It's just crazy how much time I spent on such a small map, but it was worth it in the long run... ps. Thanks biznis but this map has already had all the test it could ever need, if prefer to test before I post, lol...
silly biznis any Chron this map is awesome, alot smaller than i was expecting, but awesome nonetheless, i love the window box idea, but apparently it wasn't yours so shame on you for stealing! j/k there are a few bumps here and there but with all the time and effort put into this map already, i don't really care about them, anyways great map!
Thanks Ivory, glad that you like it... The window panel box ideal wasn't mine, but the ideal to add another panel in the middle so that you can do damage from two points is, at least I haven't seen anyone else do it yet. There is a small bump on both sides, but thats about it, the map is really smooth other than that...