I just got done playing this map and may I say, you have done a phenomenal job making those traps. I didn't get this map from this thread so I wasn't warned about the traps... I fell for 90% of them. lol. Great job I hope to see more puzzle maps from you! 5/5
lol wow! good work again would like 2 see a new Indian Jones map if you want help (not right now...) or ideas just ask.
Recently played this and I must say it is by far the best Halo interpretation of Indiana Jones made so far, but I do have some suggestions. 1. Consider making it either a VIP or Assault gametype, and then have it so you have to go get the artifact (either a flip switch or bomb depending on game) and then escape from the crypt (via arming the bomb back at the exit or going through the door opened by the flip switch at the entrance). That would be the closest way to mimic the feel of being Indiana Jones. 2. There needs to be a little more variation in the traps, rather then simple touch switches that splatter consider adding crumbling floors/bridges or even a room that slowly collapses (these can be done using simple triggers). 3. Maybe consider some path deviation, because this always adds a great deal of replayability. And replayability is always a plus for games of this nature. Now, despite all of those suggestions I really loved this map and hope you have more like it coming. But I would always like for them to have more in them; because it was just that fun! 5/5
hopefully I can get more familiar with traps and make another. I can't have more than 8 splatter traps because there are only 8 mancannons. Oh and sarge it's easy enough making people go one way with VIP or bomb but I don't know what would force people back the other way
Well lets say, in assault, that the bomb is at the end but the arming point is at the beginning; or perhaps in the case of VIP, that there is a switch that opens a door at the end, but the door that gets opened is at the beginning (and that is where you place the go-to point). Oh and you can use tin cups and delay spawns for more traps, rather than all man cannons. Hope that helps, Sarge525
I played this map last night with a friend of mine and was blown away. Call me nosy if you want, but I decided to take it apart to see how you made some of the things work. Long story short, that ghost hinge trap door you used was crazy! I've never seen that before! 5/5 man, without a doubt!
Wow! I just played on it, with a friend and it is fantastic. The best part is the entirely wall that you have to climb with the blocks that push out into step, it is amazing. And even the second time that I played on it it was funny. Good job.
All I can say is, WONDERFUL JOB. Everybody was thinking "Indiana Jones" the first time they saw how to trek into the Crypt. You're the first to realize an actual map. I have two things that I would like to see done in the next one, but they aren't effecting my score. 1: It's too short lived, make it longer and more replayable. 2: Making a temple at the top for an entrance. I had this idea a while ago, but never did it. 5/5
Yes I used the mechanism from Dthen's two way elevator, so credit to him. When making the next Indiana Jones map my primary point of improvement will be the length however I only just fitted this map within budget so it could get very difficult.
Then why use the budget? Why not use a money glitch. I played the map when it first came out and it was pretty fun. I was a little dissapointed of how short it was. The ending was terrible. You could have done a lot better than just an antenna that is on it's side. The ending should be more epic. Like it the one with the Holly Grail. The ending should be more planned out and more difficult to get the skull. The antenna was so cheap. I really like the idea of the whole thing. Please make a new one and knock our socks off this time. If you need to learn how to money glitch a map, PM me and I can tell you. Use a OLN canvas first though, as to gain a lot more pieces.
This is very original and fun 5/5 Only complaint would be make the end harder, for example put oddball higher so a more perfect jump is needed or add a roof so you must balance it much better. Also in the pics how do you have 4 golf balls since theres only 1 on the map I recall?
holy crap du nice map. the tunnel down is sweetacular. plus all the clever traps. if you walk in the center through the whole thing couldnt you just walk through most of the traps cause i wouldnt ever walk like to the right wall?
me and my coz did a youtube vid I have a video of me doing a little of your map on youtube, you can post it if you like YouTube - Playin on the Indie map
hpbuttons, The end is another thing I am going to be prioritising in the V2, this time around I only just managed to fit in the end and I really couldn't add any more. On the next map I'm going to plan it out a lot more and hopefully won't run out of items. Also ArcaneKnight thanks for your video. I have put it on the OP.
Woah! I did a double take when i saw that drop down to the crypt. But seriously this looks awesome theres no way I'd be able to finish it. I'll DL for fun.
I finished it in about 4 lives. First of all I have to say, stunning map and, despite it being fairly short and quite easy, I had a lot of fun. The whole atmosphere and feel of the map made it really feel like it was Indiana Jones and the Crypt of Doom and I thought that was the best part of it. My only critisisms of this would be that after the first couple of the times the traps with the blocks coming out of the wall are very predictable. I found myself systematically checking each room for one of those traps but I never came across a trap that was different or surprised me. I think that in your second map you should think of more "Indiana Jones" style traps and add them to it. Just an idea off the top of my head is that you could have to break a pallet to get to the next area, but one pallet is blocking a load of boulders (golf balls) which fly at you if you choose the wrong pallet. Also, if your next map is longer then a checkpoint system would be very nice as it would be frustrating to get to the end and die and then have to spend 10 mintues just getting back there. But then again, maybe you want that added difficulty, it's up to you. So anyway, great map with great aesthetics and atmosphere (loved the spiral tunnel it's those small things that aren't necessary that just add that extra flair to a map) and it was very fun. All I would say is a little too predictable and too short. 4/5
hahaha amazing my friends spent ages dying but since i've actually attempted a similar map before(i failed really badly) i could spot all the traps easilly. did you put pallets under the floor to form wire traps? if not how did you do it?
Awesome! I loved that it felt like an actual temple, with traps instead of random moments going through walls with mongooses and all that. It was short, but great!
Great map. Its well forged and original. The only thing that I found kind of annoying was how you had to start over if you die, but it's not that long so that wasn't so much of a problem. I showed this map to my friends and "accidentally" forgot to tell them about the trap walls.
Yes it wasn't intended to be difficult, more about fun. As for the shortness that was very much my fault. Yes, sometimes they glitch out of the floor which can be annoying =/. Originally I had that sort of setup however it was quite boring walking past traps which had already been set off, and you respawned more or less at the start anyway. I thought you might as well walk through and have traps to dodge instead of just walking through. Thanks for the feedback guys it's good to see that the thread has kept popping up every now and then.