Map Download Gametype You MUST use this gametype for the game to work. Crypt of Doom is an Indiana Jones based map where the player has to make their way through a series of traps and puzzles to recieve the legendary cardboard skull of awesomeness. (Oddball). Unlike my previous Indiana Jones map on foundry, Crypt of Doom is compatible with multiplayer although single player is still more effective. The map is filled with lethal traps and cunning obstacles which will need good thinking and reflexes to pass. Section 1: To use up 10 seconds to allow the traps to arm I have made an entrance through the crypt in order to fit with the map title. To keep it interesting the tube down is spiraled which most people go back to look at. (lol) The traps involve a mancannon spawning after 10 seconds so the block doesn't realise it's being pushed untill you touch it. This is the first hallway, you are dropped striaght into the action so keep your eye out for traps. Spoiler the stone columns either side of the corridor will fly out and kill you if you walk past them. This next section looks like a dead end, but it isn't Spoiler touch the blocks at the side and they will push out into steps Again this rooms seems to be a dead end. Spoiler the square on the wall will drop when you flip the ghost on the wall next to it. A passage with a golfball Spoiler There is a trap on the left just before the ball A pit leading to teleporters, it is impossible for a spartan alone to cross Spoiler use the golfball from earlier to stand on in the gap. How did I get those there? Spoiler Hit the pallet twice to release more balls for walking across. Another passageway leading to a large room. Spoiler The columns on the left are traps, don't walk next to them. At the top of this room is a platform. Spoiler touch the wall blocks to make steps Another passage, this time leading to a ramp. Spoiler the columns on the right are traps this time, again don't walk past them. A radio antenna reaches out to your goal, will you balance it right? Spoiler no u! Map Download Gametype Thanks to The Purple Cubes for testing and helping. Thanks to Dthen for improving my trap mechanism. YouTube - Halo 3 Forges (Ep. 39) "Indiana Jones" [SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4][SIZE=4] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
The map actually looks pretty cool. I bet the fall into the crypt took forever. But was def worth it, it looks awesome. All the traps look pretty cool too. Great job : )
This looks great man. I love these kind of maps. I will DL when I get home from work and try it out! Nice pics. I like how it seems like some of the ideas are right out of the movies. I like how there are the bolders AKA golfballs. I like how the tunnels are loaded with traps. The last pics with the skull look like the part in the movie where they had to get the holly grail at the end. Again, looks fun can't wait to try it. I just hope it's not too short. It looks kind of short but I will have to try it.
Wow, I had no idea you could do this sort of thing with forge. The soccer ball bit was defnitely the hardest, but overall it was a pretty sweet map, although not really a puzzle. You could have made the respawn time a little quicker for the ball
Lol it took me about thirty lives to get there. But great map i love the part when u touch the blocks, it so fun. And great job on the tunnel leading down
Thsi is a pretty sweet map overall and I can't think of any way to criticize is. Nice job with the soccer ball part. It's the hardest part but my favorite. Keep up with the creativity.
amazing map man iv played all the other ones as well and they were some of my fav maps out there. i love all the traps you made and all the puzzles im gunna dl this now and go play it with my friends well well made as well nice forgeing i really like the map 5/5!
Nice to see yuo posted it, I had fun testing the v1, I have to say the improvements were definitely needed, and I like the idea of having a huge load of golf balls falling down, the only problem I can think of is that the map is quite short, but it's still sweet!
it's cool i downloaded played it and i wasn't really impressed good job though it was too easy i think 4/5
This was a good map. Excellent forging and some well hidden traps. Me and my friend were trying it together and it works with more thanb 1 player. The end was very challanging and the golf ball bit. For next time me and my friend would like to see some traps come out of the floor/ceiling. And maybe a bit longer? Good map overall. 4/5
Incredibly impressive, I had great fun on this map, and my friedns marvelled at the traps and staircases. And, at times, so did I. Even though I know how it'd done, the magic was captured perfectly. The responces to this map has been very high amongst my friends. It's a map you can really enjoy even in a large group.
Looks easy If you pay attention and don't run into walls all over the place. To me at least the broken columns and movable objects stick out and I can tell what will come out and kill me if I touch it. Would be nice to put some in the floor or do a switch that if touched triggers something. Have you seen how "vibrations" can travel through movable objects to trigger traps? implementing some more things like that into your next map would be nice. Overall the map looks great and has some nice ideas in it. Edit: I take it all back even knowing where the traps are doesn't mean you will get past them the only suggestion I would make is to fix the trap just past the ghost door before the soccer ball (the soccer ball some times setts it off before anyone gets there) it never kills anyone even when they activate it. I want a second map like this so bad! Please make it now!
I have played this yesterday with my brother, and I said like 'You go first'. He didn't really trust it so he walked very slowly, and he died right by the first trap. I said something like LAWL U DIED!! Then I stepped over his body, and I didn't really realise there was a second trap so I died too and then he said LAWL U DIED. I found it a really cool map, especially because you did hide the traps so good, although a trained eye could see them. This could be very fun with like 5 other people who haven't played it before, and then you staying at the back watching them die. I do like it that you can choose to not trigger some traps, like when people say 'You go first', you can not trigger the traps and then when they go over it, they die. I have had much fun on this map and I will continue to have fun on this map. Because having fun is the main goal of a mini-game, I give you 5/5
this map looks very cool what a pain in the ass that would have been making that spiral thing. very long ago someone also made a indiana jones map but that one was for infection it was really cool could you make a infection map of this too maybe . you know a sort of fat kid. that would be really cool
man this map is so fun, but i cant seem to get the ball! everything else i found simple, escpecially the gold ball part but i can never get the attena to blance right! it falls at the last moment as soon as i get the ball.
I tried adding floor ones but they trigger before you are fully above them and they aren't as powerful. Also my traps do have wires in the form of pallets merged into the floor. Seriously it wasn't difficult at all, i just stacked them at a slight angle change each time. Nothing really. Try jumping. I haven't actually managed to win without then falling but I'm sure it's possible. So far really good feedback. I'm away for a week now so I hope the thread survives. Also I had a guy pm me yesterday saying he had finished it and wondered where to claim his recon =S.
If you get one person to balance on the edge of the antennae, it's possible for the other player to walk along it without it falling, although I would recommend two players to balance you out.
Man, you did a great job on this map. While it's a bit short, there is nothing else in Halo that will ever come as close to Indiana Jones as you have here with this map. This thing has Indiana written all over it. You really did a great job capturing the atmosphere of Indy's adventurous world in this map. Your traps are well-designed, aesthetically pleasing, and suiting to the theme. My only criticism was that the map was fairly short and that some of the traps got repetitive, but overall, it was hardly a big deal since the map was so fun to play. This will be on my hardrive for awhile to come, so good job- 5/5!
this has to be one of the best trap/puzzle maps it took me atleast 9 lives i love the tunnel and the hidden golf balls 9.7/10 on both astetics and gameplay keep it up.... oh yea the stair thing is awsome
not to be a meany or anything but to tell yu the truth i kinda liked it about a 3 maybe more traps would b good (; if yu got a 2nd version come out that would b kool maybe more traps and little longer too but anyways awsome map