Indian Sunset Created By Spectacular Ra & x DREAM 76 x Gametypes Supported: Battle Tracks Recommended Players: 8-16 Indian Sunset is a new battle track constructed in the skybubble of Sandbox. I am very excited about this map. First I just want to thank Spectacular for asking me to do the aesthetics for this amazing track. He really did a nice job on the banked wave and all the turns and drops. There is a lot that can be said about this amazing journey. The look and feel of the map mimics an indian village on a quiet spring dawn. We put in a nice drop elevator connecting the sky parts with the spawn. The spawn is also accented by a beautiful waterfall draining right onto the track. We spent a lot of time discussing the weapon placement and other game play factors. We hope you all enjoy the map and get some fun parties going with your friends. Any comments are welcomed and we hope you have fun with the track! Indian Sunset
It's finally done! Yup this track is in my opinion the best and you gotta love the scenery in the track! Oh yeah and Dream, I like how you put the last pic of you and I, don't we look good in brown, lol.
Really big, really well made, and the little aesthetic touches that I can see in the pictures also adds to the overall view of the map. Do you need to play this on battle tracks are could you use the racetracks variant?
I'm glad to see you guys finished it up. It's a very nice track, however I did think the bank waves were a little too bumpy. Maybe you should have used double walls instead as they tend to be smoother for hills, etc. I was also iffy on the spawn placement. With it right next to the elevator, there are problems with the Mongooses littering the track after the initial big battle, and if your teammate gets killed, he has to wait in the middle of the track a few yards in front of the elevator instead of being able to stay back in the spawn like most tracks allow. But, like I said, it was a fun track, and I have already had some memorable moments (one involving Derk throwing the Trip Mine from its spawn to the upper portion of the track before the checkpoint).
No. You need to play it on the BT game variants or else your x-box will explode and your tv will puke. Well, I don't really agree that the banked wave is bumpy. I am not really sure what part you are talking about. The whole map felt butter smooth to me. Can I ask you this? Where else could the spawn go?? It's in the ideal place. With a 41 second lap time, no spawn placement would be as convenient as you might like for a partner waiting for a pick up. You don't have to wait in front of the elevator like you say. There is still plenty of room near the mongooses to wait. It seems like you are being too critical. The Back Burner spawn was terrible. So I can't really take what you say seriously.
I was talking about the 2nd and 3rd turns being bumpy. The ideal place for the spawns would be after the checkpoint, before the elevator. That would actually provide more cover for the initial battle since you would have to time your shots around the elevator. You wouldn't have near as many Mongooses at the bottom, and you could wait right at the spawns for your VIP to complete a lap.
Good suggestion, unfortunately the elevator was designed to be taken at high speed. If the spawn was up top, the mongooses would not be traveling at the correct speed for it to work correctly. That and I like it better when you spawn and drive straight out of a spawn. I am tired of having to make a sharp turn to get onto a track. I also feel that having mongooses sitting up top in front of the elevator would be worse. Then you would miss the elevator entrance and tumble down on an angle. That would make matters worse. As far as the waiting argument, waiting is waiting. Whether you are up top or at the bottom, you still have to wait. Thanks for the suggestions though. It's nice that you actually played the maps before you comment. I always respect that about you.
Nice map but hard to tell by the pictures. I suggest taking off the filters before you take pictures just so everyone can see your b-e-a-utiful map!
Never. I like the filters. I can see just fine. Maybe you should turn up the contrast on your computer. Thanks for the comment. I am glad you like the map.
This really was one of the smoothest and well-flowing racetracks I've ever played on. None of the turns seemed forced, they were just natural. And the waterfall was a wonderful idea. My only complaints are similar to Shaddo's; the second turn seemed a bit bumpy towards the top of the bank, and the spawn was very easily littered with Mongeese. Other than that, this was one of the finest racetracks I've ever been on. Why won't this work for regular Racetracks? It seems like it would be just fine for it.
Well it can work for regular racetracks but this is not the type of track you would want to just race on. It's designed mainly for battletrack gametypes but if you want to just race on it, I would prefer raceway or racetracks.
I just prefer racing to battling, but I'm glad it works with racetracks. I never know when to take Dream seriously or not. :/
Dream created BT that's why he wants everyone to do BT or raceway rather than the famous Racetrack gametype.
If a track works for Battle Tracks, then it works for RaceTracks/Raceway. I am not really sure why anyone would even ask this question. It's basically spam. What do you guys think of the track design and aesthetics? It would be nice to hear some real feedback for once.