aww thank 4 including me dollface.... just as i told u child predator this map is ROFLTASTIC!!!! HO HO!!
This is all true. Also, any MLG mapmaker knows that the MLG Overshield IS the Custom Powerup. This map is additionally too small to support two snipers in an MLG map, let alone both of those and rockets. If your map doesn't even meet the barest standards of MLG maps, don't tack on MLG to get downloads.
looks very nice and well put together. but if you interlocked this map could have alot more potential. no interlocking can make gameplay bumby
Im posting another message because no one has replied to my first one In this Picture it looks like i can easily obtain the custom power up by jumping: What Does the custom power up do? Or does it do nothing except for looks ? Thank-you
a sword in an mlg map... i don't know man. doesn't seem right. It could be smoother and a little more cover on the ground. also, the camo and the overshield could be reached by jumping on eachothers heads, which would lead to uneven gameplay 2/5
your maps are always unique... I've looked at three of your maps, each one has a unique feature. Good job.
I love the stairs at either side with the camo or overshield. Very aesthetic way of defining the bases.