My fourth Mongoose course, Incubus. This map ensures skill needed in order to surpass each obstacle. This map is possible and i have completed it. May seem simple, but the map will speak for itself. The map uses up all $1500, with some decoration. Made on the upper level of sandbox. Screenshots. Many screenshots to show nearly the entire map, but pictures only go so far. If you have tried my other mongoose courses, this is the latest and my favorite. Click Here to download Incubus. To me, this is the best out of my courses, Enjoy.
wow, this looks huge. It also looks really challenging and has good length. That slarlem or wave or what ever you want to call it you've put into the road looks really impressive. The gravity bounce part looks a bit weak, it looks as though it would be complete luck if you'd manage to get across, but it's a good idea. Good concept overall, and a good length.
Are you really sure about this map? I mean, really? Do you possibly think that anyone could reach the end more than once? I believe you need to create a gametype that has infinite respawning and winner to who reaches the end first. I would catagorize this a minigame map just as much as a racing one, so I would download it if you had my gametype in mind. Good forging and all, plenty of aesthetics, but just too difficult.
wow, this looks really tough. Is it just a one lap course, where you just have to reach the end? I like the idea of the shield door alley thing, but does it work every time or does it sometimes bounce you in the wrong direction? The overall map looks pretty good, but it looks like its going to be very frustrating to complete.
Well making that part i started skeptical, but going through it with a mongoose, as long as your not going too slow, you will make it to the end 95% of the time
The size and diffuclty of this map really make it look great. I think this one would take me a while for me to beat.