I was trying to make a gametype with a Forge World map. You may have played a gametype in Halo 3 called Smear The *****, I'm trying to make that but there's a few problems I can't fix. 1. I can't get Juggernaut points to actually spawn. Points, as in Capture Plates. I've loaded custom games multiple times and they never come up. Where's the option to even activate them? 2. Which brings me to options. In my gametype, my Juggernaut spawns with a pistol. Or at least he WOULD, if the game wasn't forcing a Hammer and flaming body on them. Safe Time is deactivated, so what the hell is overriding this? I spent a good two hours trying to resolve this, can I get some help please? EDIT: Erm, perhaps the wrong section to post this...
Issue 1. While in Forge you need to set the gametype to juggernaut. Then you must set the object under Object Properties-Advanced as obj_juggernaut or whatever it happens to be. Then you must set the Spawn Sequence, also under Advanced. It must not be 0 or it will not spawn. Set it as 1 2 3 etc. This means that object 1 will be used first 2 second and so on. I think that should solve your issue. Don't hold me to that, though.
Okay, it might solve my issue, but I can't actually enable the Juggernaut points in the gametype, how do I do that?