Incredible geomerged ramps (help)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeGod117, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Hello this is forgegod and I have yet another question about the extremities of forge. One of the more amazing forms of geometry manipulation if you ask me is making a double box a ramp from a structure down to the foundry floor. I have seen this used several times but have never understood the best way to do it. Here is an example of what I am talking about.

    Phoenix by Kon Artist

    vengance by Kon rtist

    Against the wall in the back there is an amazingly smooth ramp formed from an angled double box. I NEED to know how to do this in my upcoming map. I o not think this has been discussed before. Fire away if it has but....... ummmmm.......Yeah.

    All comments are appreciated whether they work or not. I will personally mail you a cookie if you give an answer in this format.

  2. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    1. Line it up at the angle you want, save quit.
    2. Brace, then door it.
    3. Pick up, let it go as low as possible, save/quit
    4. Load it back up, it will have corrected it's angle, repeat step 3 until as low as you want.
    Cookies: 5
    Type of cookies: Oatmeal Rasin
  3. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    If you really want a good ramp go below the map with a fully geoed wall corner and hold it up (the wall corner) where you want the bottom of the ramp. It will act as a brace below foundry and the doublebox will be merged at a perfect 45* angle. If you want less of a slope just tilt the wall corner underground.

    Note:This way takes forever but underground braces are perfect for deep merges

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    Well there is an easyer way.
    1. Spawn a staircase where you want the box.
    2. Lay the box on top of the stair case.
    3. Place teleporters on top of the box too hold it down.
    4. Take the door and stick it on the front of the box that is in the air. Grab the box like you would do in any geo. The stairs acts as a measurement too keep the box in a perfect angle.
  5. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    I was just gona say that lol but yea that's alot easier has he said
  6. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Make sure to place the doors vertical in reference to foundry and not the inclined box. This will assure that the box is pushed straight down and not down and out of position.
  7. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Easiest way to do it (I reckon)

    - I think if you place the box you want to make into a ramp upside down and facing the way you want (flatten it against one of the Foundry walls to get it 100% straight).

    - Set the box to not respawn at the start, and end the round (make sure you put a wall or something along one of the longer sides so that you know where it is)

    - Place another box where the box will spawn, and place it facing upwards at an angle, the angle of incline you want the ramp to be at (use save/quit method if necessary)

    - Force spawn the first box, then set the first box to spawn at start, and the sloped box you just placed to not spawn at the start. Then end the round.

    - Now you've just got your first box there. Float right above the forge tear-shape on the box, and, facing as far down as the monitor will go (so you're looking down vertically on the box) grab it. Make sure you're close enough to the box so that it doesn't move.

    - WITHOUT letting go, force spawn the sloped second box. Then once you hear that "box banging together" noise, save & quit (still without letting go of the box, or moving the monitor around).

    - Reload the map, and delete the sloped map. The box below should be sloped like the one in your pic, in the ground.

    It's worth saying that I've NEVER done this before, but I've seen it being done, so i know it works. Good luck!

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