Incompletev2 UPDATE:As you can see in the pictures below, I add Much better neutral buildings, but I forgot to update the pictures of the bases, as there are no more banshees or falcon. Overview of map Red base Red base contains a gauss warthog, warthog, mongoose, needler riffle, spartan laser, shotgun, and noob tube(gernade launcher) Red vehicle storage Cannon to the top of red base, note there is another cannon and the rocks in the front are stairs. side view of red base Neutral cover which contains a energy sword Other neutral cover In the middle of the field there is a rocket launcher, ghost, falcon and scorpion blue base, which contains a sniper(with only 1 clip), spartan laser, shotgun, golf club, rocket hog, and hog. Bottom floor of blue base, i know disappointing. 2nd floor of blue base 3rd floor of blue base Note there may(probably) be some forgotten weapons.
I don't like the neutral cover. It looks like a very lazy piece to add there. The rest of your map had some originality, but that cover is just a building with some glass. Anyone can do that. You need to add something that is original from you.
The reason the middle base is small and pitiful is because it is "incomplete" and heck, there is plenty of cover without it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: It's about time, but I finally got around to redoing the middle of the map.