Incision: The Meeting

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Plasma Blades, Apr 30, 2011.

  1. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    A few survivors, stranded throughout the city, completely unaware of each others existence. Whether it be fate or coincidence, the pressure of the infected breathing down their necks will drive them towards each other. But as for what happens after that.. Only the future will tell.

    Creator: Plasma Blades
    Recommended Player Count: 8-16

    The Story
    A new virus has taken the world by storm. No one quite knows where it came from, but there's no stopping it.

    (The Science)
    It's passed through contact of bodily fluids; as soon as it enters the system, the virus targets neuron sub-populations, primarily those in charge of aggression and high cognitive function. The virus invades the cell, taking control of DNA synthesis, ultimately altering the product formed. From here, the capabilities of the blood to transport oxygen to the body is dramatically increased, yielding an increase of muscular strength and pain tolerance. During this time the body enters a coma-like state as a result of the invading virus, functioning as a six hour incubation period. Once re-animated, the host remains self-aware but unable to control any motor functions. As a result of the increased oxygen transport capabilities an insistent hunger is omnipresent throughout the system, driven through the need to derive energy to propel the processes. Higher aggression leads to violent attacks upon living organisms to fuel the energy demands. Subjects are extremely hostile and contact with the infected leads to death or personal infection.

    On the rare occasion, the process is sped up when the virus enters the system from multiple locations (primarily from the attack of multiple infected). This leads to anabolic mutations of the musculoskelatal system providing abnormal strength and resistance. Despite the unlikelihood of this occurring (due to the fact that it would require an attack from multiple infected without causing irreparable damage to the body), it poses a severe threat to any involved.
    A few of the remaining survivors are stranded throughout the city. Whether it be fate or coincidence, their paths lead them to one central, unified point, where their futures will be entwined. That is, if they make it that far.


    Unable to control the desire for food, your objective is to wipe out all of the survivors. But be warned, they're armed and have one hell of a will to survive. Taking them out won't be simple. Stick together. Try attacking the smallest groups first. The more you have on your side, the better chance you have of crushing the resistance.

    Until you encounter the other groups of survivors (and most likely even then), your numbers will be far lower than than those of the number of infected who can be attacking you. You may be completely alone until your death. So what exactly will persuade you to continue on? Weaponry. Do a little bit of searching and you'll undoubtedly find something that will give you a little motivation. Just don't get too close to the infected. You can take a couple of hits, but it isn't recommended.

    The city provides three separated routes, each containing the same amount of crucial attack points. if you're lucky, there may be another survivor somewhere else along the path. If not, best of luck.

    A brief overview of the city. Certainly doesn't look great from the outside, does it? That's why you don't look at it from the outside. Now let me explain these symbols to you.
    Each human symbol represents the human spawn for its corresponding path. The skulls are where the zombie attack points are placed. The paths are designated by the following names: The Church, The Factory, and The Streets.

    The Church

    Humans begin in the flooded metro, a collapse in the tunnel system blocked the path and flooded the waiting area. Once they make their way out they need to head to the church as the tunnels are blocked. Find your way to the graveyard one way or another, that's where you'll make your stand.

    The Factory

    If you start here, you just abandoned your vehicle as the bridge collapsed. The car starts to roll and subsequently explodes. If you get too close you'll take some damage. You'll have to hope you can rely on that weaponry to help you out. Make your way into the factory and hold out there until the door opens.

    The Street
    As a survivor you start off in a burning apartment. The hallway outside is on fire and smoke is pouring in under the door. Support beams are starting to collapse. Your only choice is to jump onto the street below. Once you make your way down there you'll have to find an alternate path around the toll booths, most likely through the (admittedly, oddly colored) building on your right. Head under the viewer bridge and hold out under the balcony.

    The Finale

    If you're lucky, you'll make it here. If you're luckier, you won't be the only one. There's some weapons to refill your ammo count, some healthpacks to help you out, and a mounted turret. However, you'll be attacked from four directions. The only consolation? Once you enter this area you're given a motion tracker, some leftovers from the military who had set up base there earlier.

    Key Notes

    • The most important thing in this map pertains to the zombies. If you kill all of the humans on one path before the door opens, find the initial teleporter. On the church, it's on top of the subway. On the street, it's in the other building to the left of the apartment. On the factory, it's on the platform near the bridge. They're two way, and should bring you back to your spawn. The other possibility is returning to the other teleporter on the path, but if that occurs just repeat the process.
    • The power weapons on the map consist of a shotgun, a sniper rifle, and a rocket launcher.
    • In the church, it's necessary to jump on the cross to move on.

    Noteworthy Features

    (What is it that makes this map different from others?)

    • It's like a linear infection map with three separated paths. Humans start out separated and meet up at the end.
    • One of the zombie spawns is underground, in a grave.
    • A tank explodes under the apartment, giving it the appearance of a building on fire.
    • The map consists of a simple "jumping challenge" in order to continue on the church path.
    • Each path contains a different power weapon.
    YouTube - The Meeting

    I built this map after I built my first journey map as a way of explaining exactly how the survivors met up. If you go into forge you'll notice that every efficient building item was used, which is my explanation for the poor quality of the building on the street. I appreciate all of the testers who aided me in tweaking this.

    Got any opinions on the map? Give it a comment below.
    #1 Plasma Blades, Apr 30, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2011
  2. raptororieon

    raptororieon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a great infection map! It's pretty much perfect but the pics are to shaded so you can't see very clear! But the map is awesome! Great work man!
  3. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    I quite enjoyed the games I played on this map, I'm glad you posted it! One thing I may have forgot to mention is that the first time playing here was a bit confusing as both human and zombie, but those notes covered most of my concerns. Overall, nicely done!
  4. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, the concept is a bit complex, but one you get a feel for it the variability in the gameplay pretty much makes it work perfectly.

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