Incipient v2 - Map 1 of the Vocab Map Pack by Dylan1Kenobi

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Dylan1kenobi, Oct 6, 2008.


Is this map good enough to be featured?

  1. Yes, of course!

    2 vote(s)
  2. No, but the map is still good.

    4 vote(s)
  3. No, the map is terrible

    2 vote(s)
  1. Dylan1kenobi

    Dylan1kenobi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Incipient v2
    Incipient - In the begining stages

    Overall View of the Map___________________________________________View of Rocket Tower (Defending Side)
    Right Side of the Map_____________________________________________Left Side of the Map (Back Alley)
    Attacking Side

    - Rocket Launcher x1
    - Snpier Rifle x1
    - Shotgun x1
    - SMG x2
    - Spiker x2
    - Plasma Rifle x2
    - Plasma Pistol x1
    - Needler x1
    - Mauler x1
    - Brute Shot x1
    - BR x4
    - Carbine x2

    - Grav Lift x1
    - Power Drain x1
    - Regenerator x1
    - Bubble Shield x1
    - Overshield x1

    The completely cleaned up version of Incipient. Bridges flipped and merged. Platforms merged to make flatter. This map is made for 4-6 people and works very well with slayer gametypes. It will play all gametypes (maybe excluding oddbal i have to check). I have played it several times and it plays out very well. I have yet to try other than slayer gametypes. The other 2 maps will be up in the next few days.

    Download Here - : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 Dylan1kenobi, Oct 6, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2008
  2. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks cool but you definitley could use more pics. I will make more comments once I play this but just from looking I would give you a 3/5 considering you really need those boxes turned over.
  3. curlybrows

    curlybrows Ancient
    Senior Member

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    good map, very well forged, that post is technically up to the standards of FH but not up to mine and the people's. you'd get lots more DLs with a weapon list, captions on your pics, a more descriptive description lol and maybe a foundry designer. other than that it looks good, and ill give it a download just to see if it's worth it. if this post is a little more meticulous ill give a full on review.
    The Eyebrow Man
    IVIercinator likes this.
  4. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No he only needs 1 embedded pic.
    Although it is recommended.

    BAck to the map, I kinda like short action packed maps. And this is one of them. I can tell the interlocking was hard to do, because it is perfect. 4/5

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