I went a little overboard with the colors and saturation. I made a version without text to appease Audience o fone cnc meh, critique dat, tear it apart.
You're so sweet. I's suggest moving the spartan to the left a bit, he's really centered at the moment and this doesnt feel like it should be (because center=safe). You may also want to move it down a bit. Other than that, the red all feels the same. Some extra hues might be nice. however I'm not sure, so save this before you play with color. Also, as I apparently must say this, the text doesn't need to be there. Hope this helps!
I'm not really sure what the focal is... is it his left hand or his right? I don't think it's his helmet since it's so dark. Other than that, I love it, I think the overall red hue works well in this
lost the xcf I agree, though, I had completely overlooked the rule of thirds and went overboard with hues. The colors were pretty distinguishable until I started messing with those and gradients, hahaha. Thanks, Audience. The focal was supposed to be the spartan as a whole with the primary focus being in the center right below the gun where the lighting begins. Thanks, ER1C0.
Now THAT'S an appealing signature. I do agree with everything that Phone said, but I might try out a touch of a dark blue or green in the flames for contrast, but it might also look disgusting. :b n33d5 m04r l33tl0x.