Debate Incest - Right or Wrong?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Dreaddraco2, Oct 8, 2009.

  1. SmokinWaffle

    SmokinWaffle Ancient
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    Thank you, that is exactly my point, and, to Sid , I am most definetly NOT defending sex offenders, and I am appaled that you would gather that from my post. Also, my sources? I don't need them for what I said, it's commom sense.
  2. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    You have strong feelings supporting"free love" even if that means its illegal and Im saying it should stay illegal whens its obviously and older participant taking advantage of a younger one. Brother sister sex if their age of consent can't be penalized not that I know of I just hope to what ever god they don't have a kid. I find tons of info supporting the deffinate negative affect it has on society and site the sources. You say hey its common sense with out looking at statistics or facts showing the results of these people. Do the research yourself and find some positive results of incest , maybe it leads to good leadership skills or something but most likely you wont find any because there are no positives. They hurt the future generations gene pool and give a higher chance of their child to fail and to be a menace to society as shown in the stats a posted.

    @ Pegasti I never said anything against gay marriage and children because they don't hurt society. 70% of inmates and sexual offenders are not homosexual but have been assaulted as a child 40% of which were by a family member. Thats a giant red flag that sexual offenders and incest related cases are indeed hurting society in negative ways. Im for gay marriage so please do not think this has anything to do with incest. "free love" is fine as long as it doesn't hurt someone. Incest hurts many people and claims many victims over continuous generations. If most incest/sexual assault victims end up in prison theres a problem with it ,and it should be stopped.
    Ive brought this up 3 times in this thread and no one has answered it
    Has anyone here ever met a family who participates in incest and is just a normal family?
    I have met two cases of this locally and both are constantly in trouble with the law and both families are unable to take care of themselves or live normal lives.
    old/1st generations passed it onto the 2nd and 3rd generation. Some members of these families have sexually assaulted minors and have served time in prison as sexual predators.
    It seems like im the only one here whos seen a family that we are debating about so I kind of know the topic.

    Homosexual couples and members don't hurt society but incestuous ones have and theres evidence supporting this fact.

    I honestly don't care if its a brother sister thing but when you see mother son /father daughter and them having a kid thats messed up.

    If you can't find someone you love outside your family you arn't looking hard enough.
    Loving your family is great but having sex with them...really?

    If you lifted the laws controlling it then yes it would be exploited all laws get exploited theres no reason to lift it when its ignored anyways.
    #62 Eyeless Sid, Oct 11, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2009
  3. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    No, for the past 4-6 pages you've been saying that all incest is bad, even when people are explaining it isn't always abuse and rape.
  4. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Its all bad if theres a baby is really what im saying but people brought up the "free love thing" which I didn't consider in all situations. I was focusing more on older participants with younger ones not same aged ones . I used more broad arguments at the beginning but as in all debates you need to narrow down points to where the real issues are. It moves the debate on instead of it getting stuck with"your your wrong" type posts.
    Also the bad sides of incest outweigh the good if theres any besides the "im happy" one.
    #64 Eyeless Sid, Oct 11, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2009
  5. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    I'm tired of this repetitive post you keep posting. You know those stories of dads or moms coming home from work and shooting their entire family? Is this because of incest? NO. People are ****ed up whether they have a smaller gene pool or not. Common sense post is sensible. Regardless of whether or not you've been proved wrong, this is a debate so feel free to continue posting.
    #65 Mace, Oct 11, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2009
  6. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Well no one bothered reading my findings in the links showing that this does happen so I might as well bring it back up since the only argument for incest is free love everything else that comes from it is negative. I posted 3 pretty reliable sources showing causes and effects of incest and it was ignored for the most part. I post statistics showing percentages of inmates who were sexually abused as children that went unanswered. What I get in return is well free love is fine even if it does hurt society. Im sorrry something that hurts/messes up people should not be looked upon nicley and even if I don't get that across in my many posts which are repetitive because no one is answering my main points.
    Society doesn't like incest,the law doesn't like it but people who just want equality for everything do? What next drunk drivers and heroin addicts will be considered good people? come on and think.

    Im all for fun and free love and equal rights and what have you but anything that hurts people should never be considered right. Sure if I get wasted tonight and get behind the wheel of my truck and drive around town ,i'll have fun but I guess when I run some innocent person over its fine because im having fun at the expense of others .
    Think of this in the case of incest children for example they are set up for failure from birth and in most cases they end up breaking the law and even hurting others . So great they are happy but what about their victims own children that have to grow up knowing "hey i might have been a mistake" or " why does no one else I know love their family like mine does?"

    I bet there are some happy incest families that don't hurt people but a majority will effect their communities in a negative way.

    You don't like what im saying then find something saying im wrong and something that says incest has a positive effect on people. Good luck.

    Heres a link to a list of types of incest so we can either debate on which ones we find right or wrong.

    Lets get some type of formal knowledge or research and have a popper debate. I don't like "common sense" arguments because common sense is the most redundant thing in the world because everyone has different views and opinions. Just because a majority of people or minority of people believes something is right does not make it so. I could be wrong you could be wrong or we both can be. Lets find solid facts showing our sides of the argument then we can decide which is right.

    Ive made multiple errors in the thread early on I'll be honest ,but I have brought facts concerning the subject at hand whether you like them or not.
    #66 Eyeless Sid, Oct 11, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2009
  7. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    if two people are together and both want to have sex, power to them. Whose to say whats wrong or whats right. If people stopped treating them differently, then everything would be perfectly fine.
    #67 DimmestBread, Oct 12, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2009
  8. a dying animal

    a dying animal Ancient
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    I don't agree with it and its legal if its a cousin or someone losely related to you for some reason. Point is siblings, children and parents (grandparents etc) are all illegal.
  9. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    You should give a reason.
  10. Farbeef

    Farbeef Ancient
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    No just look at oedipus, incest leads like five people to die in that play and in the a
    seaqule (how do you spell that?)
  11. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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  12. Farbeef

    Farbeef Ancient
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    To tell you the truth im my own grandpa!
    See thats how ****ed up incest will make you
    you will start singing when asked a question

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