
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by J4M NUTST3R, Jul 18, 2010.

  1. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Actually, I'm pretty sure what you call Level 4 here was Limbo.

    Since Limbo is a collective subconscious he didn't have to descend another level to find the asian guy, he just had to find him.

    The problem with being in Limbo (from what I understood) is that it's hard to convince people in Limbo that that's not the real world.
    Because when Cobb and Mol were in Limbo Cobb had to perform Inception on Mol to convince her that Limbo wasn't real so that she'd be willing to be hit by the train, but then she just continued to believe she was still dreaming I suppose.

    However when they were hit by the train it ejected them back into the world and if you recall the reason they were in Limbo to begin with was because they were experimenting with how many layers they could get down into.

    It may be unorganized collections of thoughts, but alas my thoughts for why the top would have fallen in the end. Cobb chased Asian guy into limbo, killed him and himself in limbo, and ejected him into reality.

    I suppose it's up to interpretation, but I've given this movie a substantial amount of thought. more than I think I should have.

    Btw, the book for Shutter island is kinda the same way.
    You can believe they tricked him or that he was a patient the whole time.
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Fine, Matty, you want deep? Here’s deep.
    My post is split up into two chunks: a casual view on the plot and an analysis of Nolan’s intentions (possibly an overestimate).
    Inception was stunning mentally. The basic story was, admittedly, more of a twist on the generic heist movie genre. However, the underlying For those who follow the movie and pay attention, you’ll have no problem with the plot. Nolan explains things in an easy to understand manner, in which parts of the movie which don’t make sense at first are explained a few scenes later, when it’s still relevant. It’s a good technique for injecting action and making the viewers think more about the story. Unfortunately, some of the more interesting aspects of real dreaming was made less abstract for the sake of making the movie work with the , but it wasn’t too much of a sacrifice. The ending plot twist is definitely something Nolan would do to make viewers groan. Not exactly unexpected, but it made the ending a lot more interesting.

    And now to go down the rabbit hole. Inception is supposed to make the viewer think this: are you really in the real world? Or are you just dreaming in another layer? Not much more than that. If you only look at it from that perspective, it’s just another Matrix.
    Here’s where I stop talking about what I *know* Nolan intended to make the movie revolve around and start to delve in my hypothesis of what Nolan really intended. This means I might be overestimating Nolan…but given his other works and how amazing well thought out Inception was, I doubt it. To follow the path that Nolan wants viewers to take, I will summarize the movie not by plot, but by intent. Nolan uses the concept of ‘shared dreaming’ and the term ‘inception’ as a metaphor for Inception. Basically, Inception is a ‘shared dream’ in which the audience is the dreamer, but of which Nolan is the manipulator of. Like Cobb, his goal is to plant an idea in the dreamers’ subconscious; but while in Cobb’s case the idea was more on the practical side (make Fischer dissolve his company), Nolan implants a far more abstract one: that movies are ‘shared dreams’, and that all directors try to ‘incept’ their ideas into the ‘dreamers’ mind. Here, I’ll throw out a few movies that incept their ideas into people: Avatar, anti-industrial-military complex/what-we-did-to-the-Native-Americans-was-wrong/save the Earth; The Matrix, is this the real world?; Inception, is this the real world? Documentaries at least proclaim that they’re sending out a message. What movies like Inception do is emotionally manipulate the audience; not unlike how Cobb emotionally manipulated Fischer in order to get him to accept the inception (Cobb showed Fischer a dream in which Fischer’s dream father shows his love for his son). In Avatar, for an example, our heartstrings are pulled when, while the good guys are running for their lives, the Big Bad Army guy is sipping coffee at the sight of the destruction of their home. The net result is that we’re cheering for the good guys when they kill him and kick out the invading humans.

    So Nolan, if I’m not overestimating, made Inception to get people to think about movies in this sort of way. Or if I am overestimating him, then it’s simply the generic metaworld question. But in final words, Inception was a great movie for those who like thinking in movies. If you’re the kind that tunes out on words and gets overly excited about big random-ass explosions, I’m not sure if Inception will be as amazing to you.

    SAINTMANTOOTH Forerunner

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    Memento>Dark Knight>Inception>>>>>>>AVATAR IMO if you havent seen memento then you must its brilliant, but inception was an amazing film. If you look at the behing the scenes stuff chris nolan actually made a rotating building for the scene with Joseph gordon levitt
  4. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Memento was very good, but not better than Dark Knight or Inception, IMO. Memento was sort of humdrum in it's presentation and really seemed to downplay it's twist. Dark Knight and Inception were more interesting and exciting.
  5. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    I've seen it, it was pretty good but confusing at parts. I'd give it a 4.5/10.
  6. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    How can you give it a 4.5/10?
    That movie was brilliant and it makes you think.
    It a breathe of fresh air in a world full of mindless movie plots that are so predictable and badly thought out it's not even worth watching.
    Inception is definitely a solid 9.8/10.
    At least to me.
  7. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    If you think it was confusing, odds are that you probably weren't paying attention. Inception is meant to be a crazy, convoluted story, but at the same time there's a string leading you through the maze. That string is Ellen Paige's character (can't remember the name). Since she's the newbie to the entire 'shared dreaming' concept, she helps guide the audience by asking the professionals questions that explain shared dreaming.
  8. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I believe it was Time Magazine that said something along the lines of:

    The difference between Inception's convoluted plot and others is that Nolan never seems lost. You always have that feeling that, while things are very crazy and chaotic, there is a set path that they are following that you are supposed to discover.
  9. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    After I saw the movie, I was amazed. It really got me interested in studying lucid dreams, and I've found some facts of the movie to be very true, some theoretical, and some impossible. Despite that, it was incredible. When story lines have so many different, random paths leading up to a climax like this, it just amazes me.

    Along the lines of the ending, I really didn't think about it until a few friends mentioned a debatable topic involving it. The top, of course, looked as if it was about to fall. It didn't ever wobble in his dreams, so I immediately assumed the obvious and thought the ending was just a cheesy little trick. I was WRONG. After giving it much thought, I realized that there were tons of possibilities, all of them debatable, because some of the issues involve topics that weren't covered in the story. It really is awesome, the way it's all planned out.
  10. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    My take on lucid dreams:
    "Well, once I had a dream where I had a lucid dream, but I wasn't sure if I actually was lucid dreaming or if that was just part of the dream. God, I hate my subconscious."

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