Inaccessable Items

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Metallic Snake, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    Well i have been working on my newest map for about 2 and a half weeks now, and i went into forge recently and found that much of my items were inaccessable, specifically the fence box, all of the movable object, the first 5 weapons, all teleporters, and alot more. I didnt delete them. Ive tried many methods of getting them back, but i really needed that stuff for the map. I did have a few visitors, and one kid watch for a few sessions. Has this ever happened to you, and if so, how did you fix (or not fix) it?
    #1 Metallic Snake, Aug 5, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2008
  2. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
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    Well as far as I know, this only happens when you are using the unlimited budget glitch canvas map. And when you are using this map, you can never delete anything, otherwise you will have problems getting them back
  3. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    i know that, i havent deleted them, there still there, just there faded away, like youve hit the money limit and can spawn it,but you can spawn other things.
  4. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    You most likely deleted them when using the Money Gliched Canvas or accidently messed with the Run Time Maximum (which is what enables the Gliched Canvas) and didn't realize it.
  5. Shad0w Viper

    Shad0w Viper YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!!!
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I've actually had this happen to me on more then one occasion. It only happens when using a Money Glitched map, but I don't know the exact cause. It could have been caused by forging with a partner, people coming into and leaving your forge session or it could just be a glitch.

    I don't know what could have caused it for you, but more then likely it was one of the culprits stated above. My only suggestion is to constrict the amount of people you allow into your forge session and keep a backup version.

    I really hate when this glitch happens to me, so I know how bad you must feel, but the only thing you can do now is go back to an earlier version of the map (if you have one) or start over.
  6. Entropy NZ

    Entropy NZ Ancient
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    yeah, I've had it a lot too...

    If you're very very close tofinishing the map, it seems to fix it if you delete a load of unnessacerry items. I don't know why. Otherwise you may have to start from a blank glitched canvas again...

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