Hello I am here to present to you the new version of Its but we gotta keep it a secret. This means we can't tell Azn Ftw. Shh.. Our own personal secret. Version v2 Style Humans are the same. However... Alpha Zombie traits 1 zombie random per round 25% Speed 4x overshields Primary weapon: sword Alpha Zombie immune to damage Zombie traits No overshields 400% speed Zombie Primary Weapon: Gravity Hammer Remember it is our little own secret.
That is almost impossible for humans to win, fat kid can stay with Omega Journey IMO, so yeah...it kinda ruins the essence of it, but you can try if you want I guess.
TBH that doesnt sound very fun, I think you should at least ASK AZN FTW if you can borrow his gametype.
This topic was to make fun of Azn Ftw immaturity on the conquest map. I'm just expressing it by this way. ((Technically making fun of whole thing.))