<< My anti-Foundry Forword: To those who choose the featured maps, I have come to realize from tonight’s party with AZN that the Forgehub community has become a bland place filled with nothing but the same two base MLG maps that appear every hour, on the hour in the forums. We have infection games that still (despite the two recent improvements: Help’s on the Way Right?/Township) leave us hiding in a corner made of fence walls and bland color boxes, spawn killing. We have Mini Games that are remade, only to diminish the glory of their predecessor. We have Race Maps that only serve to be spawn killing fiestas. We have casual maps that only serve to make us more bored than before. We have competitive maps that make our heads hurt and our hearts sink. AZN has brought me to the all too real conclusion that this is due to nothing but the over-forged map of foundry. But we all knew that. Right? Yes! You all did, but how do we go about fixing this lack of creativity and frankly laziness? You feature substandard maps! Example: Today I took the time to play the newest featured map, Recalcitrance, upon my game play I came to find it far less than enthralling. With my mind in a haze from my astonishment of its recognition, I was constantly having the misfortune of having the butt of an assault rifle braking my spine or having the pleasure of a sniper round taking a joyful little ride through my skull. Now, please explain to me why. That’s all I’m going to ask, is simply “Why?” Now I don’t want to go postal on the staff. You have served the community well for the last year or more and I commend you on your service and dedication to the forging world. My only plead is to ask you to use just a fraction more of your common- sense. Now onto Sandbox: Okay, I know that I have now entirely enraged and doubted the judgment of the moderators but I plea for them to listen to my statement about the coming Sandbox. As many know now, Sandbox pictures and skim details about the new abilities in forge (ie. changing colors of areas), are going to be something that no forger has ever seen before. No doubt, those who buy Halo Wars will have an upper hand on the forging techniques that will come with the Mythic Map Pack. Many of these maps will catch people off guard and receive praise for their sudden uniqueness and “non-foundryness.” No doubt, a map that has a single object thrown in the middle will receive 5/5s from star-struck viewers and anxious forgers. With all of these bias posts, you will feel a strong pressure to feature the first sandbox map you can get your hands on. I only have to say one thing. Please for the love of God/Alah/Budda/Zeus/Satan/Glamesh, God of Fire, do not feature the first Sandbox map before everyone has a chance to grab it. I know it will be pretty. I know it’ll be new. I know it will be tempting. But please realize this; There will be others that follow it. Just because the first map has pretty colors in it does not mean that the next will not. Back on Topic of AZN and non-Foundry maps: Foundry is a wonderful place to test out a new idea and to show forgehub what you are capable of but there is only one problem with this logic. Even if you can geo-merge professionally or make interlocks that leave your audience speechless, you map is still going to be categorized as “Foundry.” A place of dull gray colors and trash scattered on the floor. In order for your skills to be recognized you are going to have to show the community something that they have never seen before on a map that is not Foundry. Tonight, the 31st, AZN, friends, and I, all participated in what came to be called, “An old fashion night.” While we did play some Foundry maps, we found ourselves more intrigued and enthusiastic about the non-Foundry and for that matter, non-DLC maps. As mentioned before in one of AZN’s Forging-theory posts, a simple map called Mario Tower was perhaps some of the most fun I have ever had on Valhalla or any Foundry map. It is reminders like this that bring us back to the days where you didn’t have the choice to interlock or goemerge, all that mattered was that you the player were happy and enjoying playing a little game called Halo. I now beg the community for one little thing in my defense of AZN. Please do not turn Sandbox into what we now know as the “folder of Foundry.” A place where substandard maps and ideas meld into a massive clump just waiting to urge you to cut off your hands in anger. Use other maps. Use Valhalla, use Guardian, heck, even use the other Mythic Maps like Assembly. It would just break my heart to see Sandbox turned into the next Foundry. This is my plea. Love, Zachary9990
Sorry I haven't gotten to this quite yet Zachary... anyways, I'm glad that you see this impending doom that could be upon FH if we don't push to prevent it. Everyone is going to have a Sandbox map... but not everyone of them is going to be good. Take your time good ol' staff of FH and pick out those maps that really stand out to you and then host a poll or something for the community to decide. As for the FH Classics night... that was a blast and I'm glad to have been part of it. It was a great reminder of what TGIF used to be. I hope one day I will be able to host a TGIF room once again... for I would host a theme of FH Classics, along with what anyone else wants to play... filled with controlled anarchy... oh wait... lol. What is everyone's opinion on current FH? I'm interested in everyone's view of the past, present, and it's future... FH has grown in some areas and faltered in others... What is your opinion? And Zach I think you should link to my article so people know what you are talking about... that and the more people that read those articles the better...