I have decided to make an infection map on every map currently available. That's right. Even Snowbound. Sorry if someone has done this before. Details I will post the maps in one thread (hopefully) for all to view. I have finished Standoff and Sandtrap, and I am now making High Ground. The gametypes for all will be the same, and all the maps should be compatible with "Braaains" and "Save One Bullet". However, the gametype I had in mind for them will be different to those two, but still similar and fun. Help with geomerging and interlocking would be appreciated when I get to the heroic/legendary/cold storage map packs. EDIT: I have now finished High Ground. All my maps will be named the same as thier default, just with "Epic" in front of it. For example, my new High Ground map is called "Epic HighGround". I'm working on Constuct now, and will be doing Isolation after that. Will try and add a backstory to each map. EDIT 2: Also, "What's a Scope" pointed out that I said nothing about testing sessions. I will hold testing sessions once I have done the map after. For example, I am currently forging Construct, so once I have finished, I will test the previous one: High Ground.
Sounds cool. Try to make them more balanced then most infection maps you see nowadays, though. (As in don't give the humans an armory with awesome guns everywhere unless they absolutely need it to survive).
Sounds awesome... I'm glad someone is finally going back to the old maps. I had a lot of fun with infection and other gametypes on those maps. I'm excited to see what your are going to do with gaurdian. I've never seen a good map variant for gaurdian.
Don't worry, no armouries for humans. The only place where there are loads of weapons is on the Construct infection map. I put about 9 ARs where the missile pod usually is, but they never respawn and have no spare clips. It will amuse me no end to watch one person pick up 5 ARs instead of one. In fact, none of my maps have respawning weapons (except Nightfall V3 (my Standoff infection)). Some have respawning 'nades, but that's it.
If you are going to make the maps for the gametype(s) Braaaains and Save One Bullet, then humans won't be able to pick up weapons. So, why even waste money on them?
Great idea. It's good to see non-foundry maps. Or non-dlc. It's good to use more unused maps. Like, when was the last timr you playe a forged Construct map? Btw, Is there going to be a testing session?
So? Nah, I'll just have the weapons there for other gametypes like my own. I don't kow the settings for Braaaains and Save One Bullet, do humans not have the option to pick up weapons, or are there no weapons set on the map? Also, unlimited budget glitch works for non-DL maps too. I'm forging Construct atm. The vehicle list is weird. Mongooses, Banshees and Hornets. :/