Hello Everyone, I am new here so you will have to bare with me. This is my new map that I made called Impulse Scanner. Its is a medium fairly open 4 vs 4 Team slayer map that is also set up fore some objective type game such as King of the Hill and Stockpile (and soon to be 3 - Plots). I am sorry for the lack of picture but if you look for me on Bungie.net you will see some screen shots on my file share of the basics (Birds eye map overview, and Blue and Red bases, but you can always download and play when you can. Information; Weapons - Grenade launcher x2 - Shotgun x 1 - DMR x 4 - Assult Rife x 4 - Sniper Rifle x 2 This is only a V1 and it is probably rubbish compared to some (well all) of the maps on here but I wanted to post it to get feedback on improvements and maybe some positives (Hint, Hint). This my first near finished map (No others have weapons yet or gametype objectives) so I wan't to see if I am at least heading in the right direction. Any information passed on will be appreciated. Thanks for, Downloading, Viewing and commenting.
This thread is not up to standards. Please embed at least one picture into your post, or else this thread will be locked.
Well tell me how to then... And what does it matter anyway people should not be going of just how they look but how they play and why can't people just look at my file share for pictures?
There are a lot of maps on Forge Hub. This is a place with standards, and if you won't rise to them, we won't have you here. Also, to embed, I used a photo sharing site and used the embed url and pasted it on my post. Yeah, it's work, but if you really care about your map you'll do it.
At the bottom of the forums are two stickies that are titled rules, and how to embed images. Both give you everything needed to post you're map according to the standards set by the mods.
So...we should download every single map we ever see, and then sort it out from there. The picture rule has nothing to do with how a map looks. Obviously, the way a map plays is important to us, but how in the hell are we supposed to know, from a two-or-three sentance description, the quality of a map's gameplay? You must have 500+ characters describing your map in some detail. You must have pictures showing the entirety of your map. If you don't have these, nobody will know how well your map plays. To review: You need pictures to show your entire map. You need a decent description other than "really cooh map". Unless you do this, no one will understand your map beforehand, and your downloads will suffer because of this. The entire point of Forgehub is to give potential downloaders a preview of your map before they download, so that they can decide wether or not the map is download-worthy. Next time, don't break rules that you already know exist. Oh, and if anyone tells you to put up pictures without explaining how, feel free to report them for useless spam by clicking on the red "report" button in the bottom-right corner of their post. ~ Here's a guide for posting embedded pictures ~ Cheers, HarisSales.
At Chaos: The rules state that map posts must have at least one picture, or one video, of the map being discussed. It's not for deciding if the map is good per se, it's a method for readers to get a visual sense of your map. At everyone else: I uphold a policy where only one post is needed to tell the original poster that his map is not up to standards, but the post must have sufficient information to assist the user in making the map post up to standards. Otherwise, those posts are deemed spam. Let this be a verbal warning to you all, posts that simply state that the map post is messed up will be infracted, especially if this information has already been stated in the thread. Back to Chaos: Ad it stands, you post is not up to standards, and will remain locked until you either private or visitor message me and explain that you are ready to remedy your map post.