Foundry Imprisonment.

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ONEARM, Aug 13, 2009.


    ONEARM Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You can download here: Imprisonment


    Needler Room

    Power Drain Room

    Upper Floors

    Basement Area

    Middle Floor

    Shotgun Area (Top Floor).

    Man Cannon

    Imprisonment is a multi-leveled map with many twist and turns, hallways, short cuts, and a man cannon for fast travel to the higher floors. The map initially looks small, but it's larger than it seems.

    The map can be played with 2-6 Players, and offers a lot of different encounters around the map. For instance, you're the only one in the basement area, you notice that everyone else is up on the higher floors, instead of taking the long way around, why not take the Man Cannon for a short cut? This can work both ways, it is a good way to higher ground, but is a death-trap for you if other Players are waiting for your arrival.

    There is really only one power weapon on the map, and the Shotgun can be found at the highest point on the map, which can be a long trek for those who spawn near the lower floors.

    A Brute Shot can be found in one of the less traveled areas, on your way to the higher floors, and can be used against the Shotgun.

    A Power Drain is found on the lower levels of the map, and on your way to the top floors, can be used in multiple ways. It can be used to take out a Player with the Shotgun, or can be used against a Player traveling up the Man Cannon to the higher levels.

    The map works well with Slayer, Team Slayer, Oddball, and KOTH.

    You can download here: Imprisonment
  2. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey you need to embed your pics. I really dont feel like telling you how since you double posted and bumped my map down off the recent maps list. Its not that big of a deal, but its more of a courtesey than a rule.

    I looked at your pics on your profile and it looked pretty good. There are a couple of spots where you could have geomerged-the fence walls with the basement floor or the box with the man cannon-and you should have also interlocked the ramp in the needler room. It just makes gameplay smoother. I might also add that you should add where the tele leads to, and not just show the sender-or the two way, I don't know. Also, geomerging the box with the ground would have been nice and would make it a lot smoother too.

    Overall-It seems a little confusing, but 3.5/5

    PS- you may want to add a weapons and equipment list.

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