The only way out is your death. Weapons: 4x DMRs 4x Needle Rifles 2x Plasma Pistols 2x Needlers 2x Plasma Repeaters 2x Shotguns 2x Sniper Rifles 20x Plasma Grenades 4x Frag Grenades 1x Gravity Hammer (Team Modes Only) 1x Energy Sword (Free-For-All Modes Only) 1x Rocket Launcher (Team Modes Only) 1x Plasma Launcher (Free-For-All Modes Only) Author's Comments: This isn't based off of anything, it was gonna be my Forgetacular submission at first. (I made another one, didn't get to submit it either.) It started as me wanting to make another Invasion map, by having the attackers invade from the field above the coliseum. It turned into a very small symmetrical map. Also, I know the weapons may be a bit much for a small map, I just like how it is at the moment. Plus many of them don't spawn right away. As said before, comments, criticism, suggestions and the such are welcome!