
Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by What's A Scope?, Oct 29, 2010.


What do you think of this map?

  1. Not My Style

    25 vote(s)
  2. OK

    15 vote(s)
  3. Average

    26 vote(s)
  4. Good

    35 vote(s)
  5. Great

    25 vote(s)
  1. L0d3x

    L0d3x Forerunner

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    I found the gameplay pretty underwhelming, especially when it gets maken out to be the Ark Of The Covenant, so to speak...

    The bridges don't have a very good lign of sight to the lower areas either, which is something I've been seeing in alot of maps lately. Basically the ralings should be lowered imo.
  2. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Impound is a high quality map designed by a very skilled and talented forger.

    The simple fact of the matter is that this map IS worthy of the feature. Sure you don't have to enjoy every featured map, but the quality is such that it deserves this honor.
  3. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    This is something I've found to be the case in every Reach map, not just Forge. I can name plenty of areas where there is a railing that is higher than what it should be. The top 3 most annoying: the towers on Pinnacle, the railing on the Sniper Ledge on Reflection, and any railing the on Cage. There are more, but those three just irritate me.

    We should start a revolution to make forgers lower their railing.

    This is a semi-serious post BTW

    Anyways, good job on the feature. I have to say I haven't seen this posted here, but it does look like an interesting layout, along with some creative walkways.

    Its come to my conclusion that using trees as a aesthetics in 4v4 symmetrical maps now triples your chances of getting featured :3
  4. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    Actually it goes by trees. If you have one tree it increases your chance to get featured x2, if you have two trees it increases your chance to get featured x3, three trees is x4, and finally 5+ trees x 8. At least I think that's how it goes, ohh lordy, two trees x4 or was it x5, 5+ trees x12... ahh.

    *looks in the staff forum*

    Ok, first way was right.
  5. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    You have to write exgeratedly to keep the reader interested. After a few hundred feature write ups, we run out of things to say.
  6. its LEB

    its LEB Forerunner

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    I hate it when I have to knock a map for one reason, but the scenery is so cliche. Is there any other good ways of showing detail without copying vanilla really, trees got old
  7. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Every map that has a tree is NOT copying Vanilla.
    Trees were done before vanilla too.

    Get used to it. Forgeworld has grass, trees, and metal. and sometimes rocks.
    There's always going to be a tree.

    Anyway, the map is a gem of competitive gameplay and is definitely deserving of the feature. I recommend Stockpile and Multiflag on this, its a lot of fun. I dont understand how anyone can actually say they had "no fun" playing on this.

    Haters gonna hate I suppose.
  8. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    The write up is amazingly funny, WaS. I, at least, appreciated it. And I can feel the pain of running out of things to write about.
  9. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    The map is great and all but don't make this the basis for the feature. It makes it seem like if that were the case, then if someone besides Rusty made this, not only would it not get feautured, but it would suffer the same fate as other forge maps in getting buried at the bottom. I know this isn't the case but I just want to clear that up. I love this map though, I came across it on H3, decided to Dl it out of boredom, and it played respectably well. I am surprised that this was remade on Reach and Rusty, might I say, you did a great job on remaking this. I found this worthy of featuring not because it was made by you, (cuz to be honest, I didn't even know who you were before looking at this) but because you took a great map in Halo 3 and remade it into an impressive remake on Reach. You truly have talent in your forging and people could learn a lot from you. This makes me want to work so much harder to get a map featured.(It also makes me wish I was at least a premium back in H3, Lol XP )
  10. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I originally wanted to take the geometry and make it a 4v4 in Halo 3, but budget and items wouldn't allow it. So I had to scale it down and I turned into an asym on foundry, but I never ended up finishing it because of geomages. I tried passing it off to Bottlecap, but I never found the motivation to continue it. So, I rebuilt it entirely in Sandbox and it came out with a better atmosphere, but it lost a little of it's character in the transition. It's basically a whole new map now, I recognize a lot of the geometry, but it isn't the same it won't ever be. I'm happy with that though, cause it's a hella intense to play on.

    Trees, EVA with Blue Visor Color, and robo arm. All are cliche, but it isn't about all the maps or the group. It's about the map's or spartan's each individual character. Now if all people see is the tree and nothing else, then it's a problem. The tree isn't the centerpiece or focal point in Impound or in either courtyard. It isn't distracting, in fact it mostly isn't there at all except to break up the LOS and add some color.

    I, personally, haven't noticed game play flaws like overpowering positions or areas that are utilized to much. I disagree with the everyone knows you're name sentiment. I would consider myself less popular than the majority of Halo 3 premiums. I could be delusional in that aspect and I won't deny the popularity boost from being a premium in the first place. On a side note, I really dislike it when people generalize maps based on the creator. "Yet another great map by so and so." Yea, it's praise, but it's kind of a virtual slap in the face. I take the time to push myself to make great game play and it's like people are yawning, like "No surprise here, so and so made it." To me, it's about the map and that's all it should be about. My favorite comments are from people who are truly blown away or are so fed up with the map they rip it too shreds. That kind of feedback drives me.

    The layout is inverse symmetry, so it isn't intuitive right off the bat. I like maps with inverse symmetry because they're harder to pull of and it's harder on the player. For players to dominate on maps with inverse symm, they have to know the counterpoints to their favorite areas a whole heck of a lot better and know how to switch roles in what they're doing as they move around. Some examples of Bungie maps that are inverse symm, are Warlock and Citadel. Personally, Citadel was pretty meh cause it lacked central conflict. One line symmetry maps will always be more popular with the general halo crowd because they're easier to understand. That doesn't mean they're any less competitive or lack in quality. The best halo map of all time would probably have to be The Pit.

    Your post reeks of ignance. There has been a total of 3 maps featured. One is an amazing aesthetic creation and the other has been so hyped up by the community it would have been a surprise if it hadn't been featured. I may have described it as a re-imagining, but it really isn't. It's a whole new map in it's own right. As for re-imaginings in general, there's no reason why a map that was featurable in Halo 3 can't be featurable in Reach. People want new, but sometimes the old plays better. An example that comes to mind is Redemption. Sure, silence is kind of a popular guy, but if you're looking at his name and not the map itself, you're mindset is flawed from the outset. I never look at the authors when I'm looking through the map section, I'm looking at the maps. Anyways, I believe that Redemption is more featurable now than it ever was and it's almost and exact carbon copy.

    I think you're pretty much an idiot. The only thing you said about the map was that it didn't deserve a feature, which is fine, but you didn't say why except to ***** about how the 3 features were made by 3 Halo 3 premiums. You can't even get fed up about Vanilla or Chieftan and if you're only complaint is that you don't like it then that's an opinion. I can at least point out where maps have failed in gameplay aspects and site where they have failed with flow, LOS, height variation, deadspace, etc...

    There are maps I don't like, but I can appreciate them if promote Reach's gameplay.

    Good points all around. I will say though that the community plays a large part in the feature process as far as drawing attention to certain maps but I feel like the community is letting itself down more so than the staff. Collectively y'all have been raving about some pretty bad playing maps. The thing is, those maps look good. They actually look pretty cool and have some nice aesthetic touches and then when it's game time, it makes me want to play colonnade a thousand times.

    If you think maps aren't getting attention, then tell someone, tell me. I'm curious enough to look at most things once, I probably won't give feedback cause I'm one person. If you guys think a map isn't getting the attention it deserves then hype it up, too much hype? Deflate it a little.

    Xforgery is the dingle berry in forgehub's ass. And I'll call it out right now. Gunnergrunt is a member of xFaggery and a H3 Premium here, but no one complains about Vanilla getting featured...When it's a H3 Premium and not a member of xFaggery....yea self promoting elitist jackasses, save a few. That's the end of this discussion here, If I've perked you're ears then pm me about it.

    I can name 20 that look more appealing than this map, hell probably 40, but they all play like dogshit. They're cool and interesting, but they're eye candy. They have that immersion factor that I can't forge worth a damn into my own maps. I don't have those aesthetics, grand focal point, mind-blowing use of geometry, or technical detail to attention, but it plays gud. If you want **** dressed in a tuxedo, by gawd I sure as hell won't be making it, cause it's still **** in a suit.

    I can tell you for sure they are looking everyday cause I and others go out of their way to show them things we find cool or interesting and they almost always come from the community. But again, if you guys are here to look at cool pictures then so be it. I'll make forge porn for you.

    Fair enough. I'm not a crowd pleaser, but if you'd like to give a little bit more detailed feedback, I'd more than appreciate it.

    I can agree that the bridges don't make structural sense, but I didn't feel right having off centered bridges. I just liked trees, but I needed two in order for the map to have them, so I luckily found the perfect spot where it just melted with the layout. Kinda lucky there, but the trees don't distract from the map at all really and they provide much needed color and some cover.

    I don't find that the scenery really stands out when I'm playing it. I built this way before Vanilla was released and in no way is utilizing trees an original idea or overly gimmicky, unless the map is built gimmickly around it.

    So, yea TL:DR version. Community needs to do a better job of promoting maps that play well.

    EDIT: For those that care, I'm updating Impound with simpler LOS and less framerate drop. I'll post up in my thread when that happens.
    #30 rusty eagle, Oct 30, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  11. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Rusty, that wall of text...Quoted for ****ing truth. I hate all the bitching about premiums getting features. Why did a premium make it to premium? Because they make good maps. Why did they just get another feature? Because they still make good maps. It makes sense, people who make good maps are more likely to get featured then people who make pieces of ****.
    And I don't know what you mean by it not looking good, the first picture here made me drool. Maybe I drool over maps that I know will play good...
    #31 noklu, Oct 30, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  12. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    Yeah for real man TL;DR only reason your map got featured in the first place is cause staff R corrupt srsly.

    Seriously though I played a few games in some customs a while ago and I quite enjoyed it, the map really suits my style of play so it clicked with me fairly easily.
    I really don't understand where all the hate is coming from, Rusty shouldn't have to write an essay to defend his map, it's pretty damn good and I haven't seen anything as of yet that stands up to it.
  13. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Dude why does this map deserve to be featured when theirs is so much better. [​IMG]
  14. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    So if I built a map in the canyon, would it be extremely cliche? Sense there's quite a few trees in the canyon you know. It's just forgeworld's look, it's got some trees and he built around it.
  15. Cerberus Beast

    Cerberus Beast Ancient
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    Rusty, I am a quite surprised by your post. You mention that your map does not have overpowering areas or overused areas in it, but there are maps currently released and in development which fit the same criteria. Please, you must understand that people will inevitably see the name on the map. It's subtle, connotative language. Certain names have expectations attached to them, it cannot be avoided.

    It pains me to say this, and I risk a lot in doing so, but I feel it must be said. I have seen maps been featured on this website for the past year-and-a-half for much more aesthetic than gameplay merit. The excellent thing about most of the maps that I have seen is that they all look great. Seriously, things are pretty smooth, all the textures go the same direction, that's a really cool column, 'crazy ramp, bro', pleasant overhead or ceilings, and very smooth forging. The fact of the matter is that those attributes may no longer stand as reasoning for features in Reach. If a map is to be featured for its aesthetics, then it should be in the aesthetic section. "But wait, Cerberus!" you ask, "The reason I downloaded this map was because it looked really awesome!" Therein lies the problem. NO significant portion of any forging website is likely to download something without either a nominal or aesthetic reason to do so. The majority of people will download a map because it was made by so-and-so or it looks incredible.

    As such, we are in a dangerous set of circumstances. People with strong legacies and positive histories are doing the same things which they always have, at least for now. You took Impound and retooled it for Reach. I believe either Cosmic Rick or chrstphrbrnn or one of the other higher-ups is forging a follow-up to their H3 asymmetrics, and there is even a contest under way to remake maps. The current environment for Forging is one where aesthetic detail and design are inversely valued. I wish it weren't so, but that is how I see it.

    I want to see completely innovative design, and nobody is coming forth with anything new. They're the same maps with the same designs. We are designing for H3 in Reach with the same H3 values. I challenge all of the premiums, the well-knowns, the staff, and everyone to do something unique. Do something minimalist, do something abstract, do something DIFFERENT. I know that the 1v1 maps from the tournament didn't technically get featured, but it's not the feature that matters. It's the fact that you get front-page publicity, twice, for the same map. I'm sorry, and this may hurt for anyone to hear, but you don't get recognized twice for the same damn thing. THE SAME DAMN THING. Don't tell me that keeping the same relative geometry, but in fact simplifying it to inverse symmetry, is changing anything significant. Impound is Impound. Asymmetrical H3 or symmetrical Reach map, Impound is the same thing. Please, I ask you, understand that the publicity is what matters, not being in the featured maps subforum.

    Here is my final stance: Impound, as well as I have found it to play from my own experience, is not feature-worthy, not yet. The map is good. It is not godly. I believe somebody earlier in the thread said that this map was a 'hidden gem'. There is a Hidden Gems section of the FH Updates where this map would feel right at home. Features should be innovative, not recycled.
  16. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I really really don't see how you could argue that this map's aesthetics are the reason it got featured.

    It's well-made which isn't saying much Forge 2.0, but yes he did a good job. And then he tried to spice it up which included the tree, and that got super hated on.
  17. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Disclaimer: If you feel this does not apply to you, don't be offended. Gunnergrunt, I apologize you were dragged into this.

    And I lol.

    Let me state first and foremost that I, personally, do not enjoy playing Impound. However, I do not enjoy Reach's gameplay. I can however, apparently unlike many members of the community, tell when a map that I don't personally enjoy plays well. It seems like many members have the inability to look through aesthetics and what I would like to call the "Bungie" factor (The Bungie Factor: The gameplay of Halo games is built to be enjoyable for many varieties of people in varieties of way. Therefore people are blinded by the enjoyment factor of Halo, and thus never understand how a map actually plays well or doesn't). Therefore, they enjoy a map as long as extenuating circumstances don't prevent it (hating Forge Hub, hating feature system, hating creator, hating premiums, hating write up, are angry about their insignificance and want to complain). Thus I come to the entire purpose of this introduction: Vanilla and it's comparison to Impound.

    Vanilla is not that great of a map. It was noticed by us because many, many members of our community told us it was a good map. Other staff members liked it, and it was featured. That's okay. Not everyone has to like everything that is featured. What is not okay is that the mounds and mounds of praise the community has given Vanilla are the exact reasons people are complaining about the Impound feature. Trees? Check. Lag (worse on Vanilla)? Check. Not complicated/too intricate layouts (lol)? Check. This leads me to believe that the only reason that complaints are coming in on Impound is because people want to target something that has nothing to do with the map; that being: our feature system. Gunnergrunt is, as rusty said, a H3 premium but he's also a member of xForgery. Rusty is not. I would argue that at this point, Gunnergrunt is more well known in the Halo community than Rusty. So, in my opinion, Vanilla is a worse map made by a more well known forger. Yet it's okay that we feature that and not Impound? That kind of debunks your whole argument.

    The reason our Feature System will never be a community vote is this and simply this: it's ours, it's Forge Hub's. It's what defines the site. We'll never be xForgery or GoO or any other site who is 1/100th to 1/1000th the size of us. Different sites offer different things for that reason: to be different. If you want feature quality to be a unanimous cry of perfection then don't complain when features come once a month. Also, keep in mind that Scope's write up is his own and if he believes his words are true then they are, at least to him.

    tl;dr: It's perfectly fine for you to disagree with features. In fact, we'd prefer you didn't ass kiss/bandwaggon our every word. It isn't okay to complain about a map because you perceive there to be some conspiracy behind why it was featured. Especially when you make it so obvious by praising the feature previous to it for the exact same things you are now complaining about.
  18. Benji

    Benji Ancient
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    Well, ****, I liked this map. If you don't like the feature system, come up with a better one yourself.
    Stay classy Forgehub.
  19. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    We don't need an exaggeration of certain maps... it should just be as is. If they earn it, they earn it.

    The moral of the story? Words begin to lose meaning when you exaggerate.

    Let's not learn this the hard way.
  20. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    Woahh woah woaaaaaah there big boy. I think you need to calm the **** down and stop making an ass of yourself.

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