Hello this happens to be my first puzzle map.I came up with it with my best friend.So heres the pictures. here is where you spawn. this is where you go see the teleporter do you see any way out im impreesed you figured that out this will be tough good luck no one has figured this out the boxes are like that cause thats how i made it now you have impressed me completly such a nice teleporter now what do you do nice your almost done but wait the teleporters blocked probably the easy part but i could be wrong this place might not seem so bad but when your in it its easy to get lost good but what now "Um, dude theres no where to go." look at the boxes too easy Well now that you see it heres the map Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details and gametype Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details See below for a guide 1.Ok in the begging you take the power drainer first then place trip mine (you must do that)they never respawn 2.Ok at the next you must crouch jump into teleporter 3.Then as you saw in the pic below you is a mongoose go in it and up againat the wall and get out 4.After that you are in a box just go to the left one get onthe turrent and into teleporter 5.Now as you see you are stuck i made the place like that on purpase just grab a brute shot go to the wall the teleporter is leaning on and jump shoot then again when you land and jump to the right and grabb the turrent 6.then just window jump and the second door you should grab the turrent on and into the teleporter 7.Now this part you saw theres a crack above get the mongoose backed up grab the gravity lift and go place it down next to the wall carefully drive up towards it and get out when you reach the crack 8.When your up next to the teleporter just look down and theres a crack you just shoot or throw grenades at the bombs and if it doesnt work try again till you can go through. 9.When your in this room you see theres a grav lift that sops you and it respawns instintly.You must destroy the bombs in the back and quickly run through. 10.at this point your in a box and for some reason its easy to get lost cause it gets so dark.just look aroun and you will see a mongoose shadow jump into it and get on then get out without driving ne where. 11.now yo are in a room that you cant move foward so you go up to the crack and slowly move foward while crouching.Once that is done head towards the wall that hides the box do the same thing but then you grab the turrent. 12.After that you jump up on the box and grab a turret . 13.Ok just beat your way out and your done. heres the video http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=55582592 good luck.
Ya that was pretty easy. Just so you know there are other things in a puzzle map besides clipping turrets and stuff through walls. I only saw one origanal idea in the entire map. i give it a 2/5. It would have got a one but i did see something original and it was kind of fun. Next time you make a puzzle map, if you do, put other stuff in it besides clipping. put actual challenges besides running against a wall. It more fun and its harder. it actually makes you think.