In one of Bungies updates, I thought they said one of the Legendary Maps would have a jump that would be nearly impossible to make unless you 'unlocked' it. I can't find the the quote right now, but I do believe Blackout would be the one map with the impossible jump. But where do they discuss this? I can't seem to find it... But what do you guys think of where it is, what possible it is, and if not in Blackout, what map it is in.
i actually think it's on ghost town and that it is a jump that gets you onto the roof of one of the ruined buildings but we'll have to wait and see
They said this about Blackout. What you were refering to? Just from looking at the pics i can't really see which would now be impossible.
Maybe it's in Avalanche, in the bridge they ''supposedly deleted'' from the map. Who knows? Maybe it's still there, but harder to go through
I don't remember them deleting a bridge. They deleted the tunnels that went through the mountain. I don't even remember there being a bridge in Sidewinder.
Really? I didn't know that, i thought it was pushed back. I think Blackout would be cooler in space, really. And they said this on the Blackout release, it is on blackout!
I think the jump they are talking about will be the jump from the BR tower's elbow to the entrance to blue room. Looking at sniper tower you will probably be able to jump up to the top of sniper tower. Looking at the lift, there was a jump where you could run between pylons and not fall. Utterly useless but impossible to do in blackout. Looking at this image, there is a nice platform on top of the map next to BR tower. I want to get up there! The Library jump is gone. The window appears to be in the way. The stair jump from the midpoint of the stairs to the top of BR looks to be gone. Probably won't be a jump from the sniper towers elbow to the flat area. Pipes will be usable in the same way the other formations were, in lockout. The middle bridge joining the center area to the blue room doesn't have that little lip on the outer edge of it. Making it harder to jump from bridge to bridge.
i thought moonbase alpha was avalanche, and moonlight sonata was blackout ( i knew that much) but as for ok corral purple rain, and whatever other ones there were i have no idea. bungie should stop making multiple codenames for each map it's REALLY annoying
OK Corral was Ghost town because of the vague resemblance to the actual location. The others you mentioned are correct.
i saw someone post somewhere that it was a double-jump or grenade jump that was made a little higher on blackout that is impossible to do anymore
Orange, were you referring to the update when they talked about the orange parts of the Hunters being the same material as the part of the Scarab you have to shoot to destroy it? and how they said that same orange material would play a role in one of the new maps? I took that as you would have to shoot it a few times to unlock a man cannon of some sorts. And i believe its on purple reign, but i guess it very well could be somewhere on avalanche. Anyway, on a side note regarding lockout jumps... my personal fave was the ultimate escape/ambush jump from the top of the BR walkway just on the library side, jumping all the way down to the sword area... im not gonna lie, im pretty sure i found that one all by myself, and never saw anyone else do it either before or after i discovered it. I know I know I'm the man haha.
While watching the Map Pack trailer, I saw a gap that had mancannons on each side, similar to Narrows but smaller. It was on avalanche. I didn't see a switch or anything, but I think it might be the jump. Not sure. And when do they talk about the Orange parts of hunters/scarabs? You sounded all crazy talk right there...