This a compilation of the threads that all should be stickies, in an attempt to keep the Forge Discussion forum a bit cleaner. Important Threads and Links Competitive Level Design Guide from a Quake 3 Perspective -great insight into a similar competitive game Foundry Designer -classic way to design your foundry maps Halo Forge FAQ, Post All Your Questions About Forge Here! -ask and learn all there is to know about forge Icons for 2D Map Designs (Weapons, Equipment, & Vehicles) -spice up your layouts Want to see a map get featured? -get your voice heard Former Stickies FH SketchUp Feedback -check here for feedback on your sketchup designs Forge Dictionary -learn all your forge terms Forgemates! -find buddies to forge with Imagination Database -get ideas for geometrical pieces Need Help Naming Your Map? -stuck on that final step? Ultimate Sketchup Compilation -all you need for sketching your designs