
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by II CASHnDASH II, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. fBomb 22

    fBomb 22 Ancient
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    So far, it's the best original map I've seen in Reach! Seriously, I hope Bungie sees this and gets it into matchmaking. Nice job!

    II CASHnDASH II Forerunner

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    I'm not a 100% sure what causes the lag, but i think it just depends on the map. I'm sure the ocean, waterfalls, background, don't help maps that already have some problem areas. In fact, i'm fairly certain it adds to the problems, so if i ever decide to do another map, i'll try my hand somewhere inside the canyon in an attempt to avoid slowdown.

    Thanks for the kind words on the map, and no i didn't know about breaking the camera away lol. I'm pretty new to halo's Forge/Theater mode, so i'm learning as i go. Thanks for the tip though...

    Thank you. Yeah, i decided not to mess with the angles going down into the water. I tried it in a small area and it made the creek like half it's original size. It felt too narrow and weird to me, so i will just have to live with the extreme angles. I never had a huge issue with them during gameplay, expect maybe grenade tosses can get be a bit tricky because of the weird angle.

    Thank you !!. I'm not sure if it deserves an inclusion into matchmaking, but it would be cool lol. I just hope that if Forge maps do get included into matchmaking, they are FUN to play. I'm already starving for some new, original layouts to DMR some people on in matchmaking.

    Has anyone had a chance to play some games on Impact ? If so, please let me know of any issues that may need to be fixed.

    Thanks !!!
  3. GrimHippy 666

    GrimHippy 666 Ancient
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    Sometimes I find it's certain textures on objects that make it slow down. I don't think it has anything to do with the object count and such :)

    I really want to download this map, but I haven't enough bandwidth at the moment and also my Xbox just got the single red-ring. When it's done fixing itself I'll get this map DL'd and play it :)
    #23 GrimHippy 666, Oct 4, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2010
  4. xKNxBorss

    xKNxBorss Forerunner

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    Excellent map. Plays and looks really good.
  5. Nose Mangler

    Nose Mangler Forerunner

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    Dude I dl'd and walked around and I love the map to the 10th power. I think this needs to be submitted to matchmaking. I love the light feel the creek and the grass give it.
  6. Purexist

    Purexist Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey, this looks very cool. I downloaded this because of your consistent, solid aesthetics and the soothing garden atmosphere.
  7. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Holy crap this is amazing. Don't let this disappear into the depths of the Reach Content Section! Im gonna give this a download and if I get time Ill play test and reply with feedback.

    Also rate the thread 5/5 guys!
  8. zocho

    zocho Forerunner

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    I am a long time user of Forge hub, but have had to remake an account due to hacking...pathetic I know, anyways this was the first map I saw when I opened forge hub the first time since reach, and this map just blew me away, the detail i give a 10-10 the aesthetics i give a 9.5-10, just because there was a few areas that were a bit rough, but not many at all, still beyond amazing, weapon layout 9-10, like the guy above me said, you should spread the weapons out a bit. that averages to 9.5-10 best map on forge hub right now good job
  9. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Forerunner

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    This is a really nice map, and there are a few little features that resemble to Beaver Creek. I also love the way you made the creek. Right on a sand bar. Really creative. I love it, played a few games on here, it plays nice and its a good map, keep it up.
  10. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    I really love the look and feel of it, very natural which is what forge world is meant for. I get tired of all the maps being made out of just metal its nice to see maps like this (and others) using the natural scenery to create awesome maps. If Bungie does decide to start putting maps in mm (probably not till like next summer at the earliest) this should be a real consideration, you just make me a lil angry cause now how can i follow up with an epic creek map after this?? lol

    BLACK SABBATH Forerunner

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    Not true! Check this out from last week's update, "We’ve already pushed one community map variant through several phases of our internal gut checks and test passes, and it looks like you’ll actually be playing on some sweet community maps before the year is out. Maybe even as soon as next month. (No promises.)"
  12. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    just DL'd it... it just sucks that there is so much map lag with all the merging (not knockin you cuz its done flawless) just saying a general statement beauce i have the same problem with a few of my maps that are at max budget or just merged a lot...

    its unfortunate because it really kills a map....i.e asylum, sniper-to-snipe 2x zoomed its unfair because it screen lags so much

    great map tho dude 5/5 def will be running some serious custom trains on this *****! lol
  13. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Greetings CASH ;) A Far Cry vet making his mark in Halo Reach already! This guy makes excellent maps folks as you can tell. A map he made in Far Cry 2 was chosen by Ubisoft to be used in ranked play so I suspect he has a good chance to repeat.
  14. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    I only said that because the new DLC is due in what 2 months? so i figured bungie would wait till at least next jan before making custom content maps in mm. But if they do get pushed sweet, i doubt any of mine would unless bungie likes having some of there older maps from previous halo's be put into mm (well inspired by them anyway). Well if this is the case then run Impact through i would love to play swat or just 2v2 or 4v4 on this.
  15. Jittar

    Jittar Forerunner

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    This map is a lot of fun and like others in here I really liked the river-bed. There were a couple of grav-lifts that were slightly annoying while trying to avoid death. I think I will show this map to a lot of people :)
    #35 Jittar, Oct 6, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2010
  16. Dr D04K

    Dr D04K Ancient
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    This is a beautiful map, with really good gameplay. However, as stated by many people already, and acknowledging that its nothing you can change, but the lag makes this map unplayable, sadly. It really seems like less is more with forge in Reach. The best maps are using the available terrain in interesting ways to avoid approaching the object limit.
  17. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Line of sight can help with lag. In one of my maps I broke of visibility by using the dish and it drastically upgraded the framerate in problem areas. In this maps case you cannot do that because of the design choice of being open.

    MASSAIKUR Forerunner

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    this map is awesome!!
  19. sB Tmayne

    sB Tmayne Forerunner

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    this is a great competitive map. i DL'ed it the first day you posted and had a chance to play it out. the layout and aesthetics of this map is really what makes it so playable. good job man. please check out mine, i put a lot of time into layout, playability, and aesthetics just like you.

    DEJA VU : Halo Reach : File Details


    II CASHnDASH II Forerunner

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    Thanks again for all of the kind words people. The community here at Forgehub is amazing. I've gotten at least 10 messages over XBL/PM's that gave insight on how to make this map better. It's a HUGE honor to have so many people interested in my map. I love how people here aren't scared to chime in with ideas and thoughts on every map posted on this site. In fact, it just seems like the norm for the community to help each other make every map as good as it can be.

    I'm wondering if the people complaining of lag are judging from Forge, or playing with more than 4v4 ? Almost this WHOLE map has slowdown in Forge, and it defiantly gets laggy with more than 8 people. But, from what i've seen, Impact runs near perfect in 4v4 custom games. I may have just not noticed it when i was playing though.

    Hopefully i can get 7 people together to test it out again and see how bad it is. It shouldn't be a big deal to rebuild the center area to break up the line of sight. I think that would eliminate any lag that may be present. Rebuilding the center area enough to break up the long lines of sight might make the map look weird though lol. We'll see... as soon as i get enough people together, i'll test it out and probably end up making another version.

    Thanks for the honest feedback everyone.

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