Impact Zone

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by SimmonsZore, Aug 19, 2012.

  1. SimmonsZore

    SimmonsZore Promethean

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    This map was very tricky to get right but its done. This is a multiplayer version of the firefight map "The Crater". Its not a remake but its made in the same style. From how the map plays the best gametype for this map would be "ZB MLG CTF" just because it seemed the most fun to me.
    Here is an over view of the map. granade lancher spawns in the middle so this would be a race for the power weapons.

    Here is a view of red base and there flag spawn. Notice there is a big "R" pined to the wall, this is to help show you what side you're on in case you're color bind like a friend I have...Josh

    Since we have a red base we must have a blue base and look here it is! Blue base is just like the reds but with blue lights and the bedazzled "B" on the wall for Josh

    This is the ramps from inside the crater. This is the sides where the sniper rifle spawns and the door at the bottom is to the lift room with takes you inside the enemy base without gun fire due to plenty of cover.

    This is the exit that the lift takes you. From here,you can steal the flag or go for the sniper on the otherside of that door there.

    On the other side of the lift exit is this porch over seeing the rest of the map. Its has lots of cover and has heath packs on the far wall there. This room is very good when running with the flag if you go here then drop to the lift room then your goal.

    I wanted to post this map before school starts back up so I hope you enjoy. Remember to check out my other work and my up comming maps on myfileshare called map previews, I may need some help with my next one heads up.
    Made by Cheiyijei
    Special Thanks to Mad Shark Bite & MilitayArtworm
  2. GetRdy2Fall

    GetRdy2Fall Forerunner

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    This has some awesome, unique aesthetics. Very nice. The gameplay itself looks like it would be very fun also. Except that top perch has so much cover, plus a healthpack, plus railings make it hard to nade up there cause of the curved edges(Too powerful of a position). Another thing is that it looks like FR would be a problem here due to the waterfall, lots of pieces and glass. But if FR isn't an issue then I could see this being a top map. I'll download it and test it out when I can. Good job
    #2 GetRdy2Fall, Aug 19, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2012
  3. Narfidy444

    Narfidy444 Promethean
    Senior Member

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    I know what you mean by trying to finish these up before school. going into sophmore year of highschool things got to come up if i want to go where i want to go so xbox and video games in general are going to go away. but i have two weeks to cram make my final map until school comes in which case i am gone until winter break. :p

    all crap aside its a nice map and i wannna see it in action on the tops of the list.
  4. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Id recommend deleting those capture plates on the walls, but the lettering was pretty cool and I insist on keeping that.

    EDIT: Bottom Mid seems WAY too open, could you maybe add some cover there?
    #4 RoboArtist, Aug 20, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2012

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