Immure Designed and forged by Hokets Hello, and welcome to Immure. This is a somewhat small, symmetrical, room-based map. With free-for-all games in mind, Immure is neatly sectioned off into rooms that provide great face offs. My goal with this map was to create an environment with slightly limited long lines of sight, plenty of routes to each area, and to avoid having one definite power position. Immure features two rooms on each side; one with two levels linked by ramps and a lift, and another with a ramp wrapped around the back wall. Between these two sides you'll find a larger room with a bridge stretched across it, a hallway in the back, and a relatively open area overlooked by two balconies. Team games tend to be focused on the balcony area, spilling into the surrounding rooms, while the action is spread more evenly in free-for-all matches. Weapons DMR x10 Needle Rifle x8 Grenade Launcher x1 Sniper Rifle x1 Plasma Rifle x2 Magnum x2 Frag Grenade x4 Plasma Grenade x2 Evade Ability x1 Health Station x2 Images Blue Lift Room Red Glass Blue Crate Room Red Balcony Bottom Blue Lift Red Balcony Orange Ramp Bottom Red Balcony Back Hall Overview Action Shots Thank you for taking the time to check out my map. See you next time.
I remembered playing this map. It evoked the feel of a classic Halo: CE map, so there was a nice feeling of nostalgia. It was hectic on FFA, and 4 vs. 4 team games were a blast as well. Highly recommended.