Imagination Database

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Tartan Spartan, Jul 9, 2009.

  1. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    im not goona lie but i had the same idea as you....the only problem i've never tried a conquest map (dont know all the rules and whatnots) i've sketched it out before and had the genral idea of doin it in the skybubble and makin the whole outside structure to look like a SATELLITE (and naming it that) for aesthetic purposes'. ill see if i can scan my picture in an post it....
  2. Torkzor

    Torkzor Ancient
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    Custom VIP combining escort and influential and one sided VIP
    Gameplay: The game will feature one team with a VIP, and the other without. The team with the VIP will spawn infront of a large door, triggered by a power drain. The catch is, the power drain is located in a building in the opposite direction filled with...let's go with "infected" So this team must fight through the building, grab the power drain, fight back to their spawn point, open the big door, and fight through a little more to their rescue.

    The VIP however, will be indistinguishable to the infected (no waypoint, looks the same, same weapons) but will have a waypoint for allies so they know who is the most important. The VIP will also be equipped with an enhanced radar (and none of the other "humans" have any radar) But whenever they are within a certain range of the VIP they will gain allies only radar. This means the VIP must lead their team and coordinate them to survive. I also had the idea that humans don't even have waypoints for allies unless in range of the VIP, to further idealize team work and co-ordination.

    Another interesting aspect i had in mind would be moving spawn points for the infected. Meaning, the infected all spawn in a room with a few teleporters. These originally lead into the first structure, but once the power drain is used to destroy the gravity lift inside the door (thus opening it), a new gravity lift spawns blocking the old locations and unblocking new ones after the big door. (Not sure how that'd work though, sorry ;x )

    I've included a picture of the gate and locations i had in mind and to help clarify. If anyone wants to take on this map, or even make it with me (keep in mind i'm from Australia so joint projects can be inconvenient) they can choose where to locate everything of course, and even how the door works.

    Forgive the MS Paint D:<

    What Map: Foundry or Sandbox (probably crypt)

    Sorry for the ridiculously long post, i know i was meant to keep it short, i just had a lot of ideas.

    EDIT: I recently made a refined, more compact door using the lock and key idea in the sandbox crypt.
    #42 Torkzor, Oct 7, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2009
  3. halomcownage

    halomcownage Ancient
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    Form: aesthetic
    Gameplay: i am wanting to build/have sort of i would say a clan "lounge" and here is my idea:

    SPAWN in a room with sort of a counter which is where i guess a secretary would be. in the room would be a door (like in classroom) that would lead into the elevator room.

    ELEVATOR well i was really hoping i could have an elevator near exactly like devinish's when he/she made moon waffle (really good map) and that the elevator could go up and down as a hydrolic at the top of the elevator i think it should lead into a hallway/passageway that would lead to another door (like in classroom again) which would take you to the lounge

    LOUNGE well for the lounge i just want it to be open and have seats/couches and tables and a podium (for a speech) and maybe like a soccerball or something to play with while in the lounge

    thanks for your time! message me if you are interested in this project!

    GT: Sh0ck an aw3

    What Map:preferably foundry but sandbox will do

    Form: competitive/MLG
    Gameplay: I have the map made, (it was my first ever built halo 3 map EVER... just needs touch up and new wep lay out
    What Map: foundry

    thanks for your time! message me if you are interested in this project!

    GT: Sh0ck an aw3

    PS: cant post pics... yes my computers that stupid

  4. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Form: Custom Infection
    Gameplay: Well, I would forge this, but I don't have my xbox right now and i feel that the gametype is too hilarious to wait for. Basically my idea was to have a large, multi-floor pirate ship in the skybox. The gametype was going to be called Pirate vs Ninja. Pirates spawn on the ship, and have a quick 30 seconds before ninjas attack the ship. Ninjas are then launched onto the ship via man cannons. Ninjas would play the role of zombies in this infection. Ninjas would respawn at other random points around the sky bubble with more man cannons to launch on to the ship.
    What Map: Sandbox/Sky bubble

    Form: Custom Infection
    Gameplay:The map was originally going to be deathlehem (Like Bethlehem) and gametype was going to be AntiChrist. The basic story for the map goes,"A group of priests have wandered on to a crypt of sorts, and hoping that it is the crypt of Jesus, they open it. It is Actually AntiChrist, and he enters the dig site and the town behind it searching for and slaying all of the priests." So basically, antichrist is released after a certain time, and the priests have to prepare for it. To make things interesting, I think that a custom powerup can be added to spawn at around the same time that the antichrist is released, and the one who picks up the powerup would have higher traits and be the 'high priest' or maybe even Jesus himself. (lol)
    What Map:Probably a blocked sandbox to take advantage of the surrounding desert.

    Message me if you want any other ideas i had on these maps. That is, if you decide to forge the map.
    #44 Rorak Kuroda, Oct 14, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2009
  5. Bubba Doongai

    Bubba Doongai Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Form: Team Slayer
    Gameplay: A symmetrical map with two bases. There would be three levels to it:
    1) Underground - Tunnels underneath the ground floor (battlefield) which have tube corners with man cannons in them leading up to the battlefield.

    2) Ground Floor - Medium sized battlefield with good looking cover (something like columns). A base on each side with weapon spawns inside (not too many). Spawn locations behind the base in a seperate building. Ramps leading up to sniper towers in between the base and spawn building. Ramps to underground tunnels on the sides of the base, under the sniper tower.

    3) 2nd Floor - 2 sniping towers on the sides of each base. Bridges linking one side's towers to the other's with arches on the side of the bridge that face the battlefield.

    What Map: Sandbox/Sky bubble

    If you're interested or have made the map message me. I'll try to clear anything up for you if something's unclear.
  6. Whillshire

    Whillshire Ancient
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    Twin Facing Worlds

    Form: CTF, Team Slayer
    So yeah, this is a shout-out to all the URT people out there who possibly miss one of the best CTF maps, Twin Facing Worlds.
    The concept is simple, you have two (facing) bases, suspended in nothing, connected by a large bridge.

    Map: Sky bubble, in Sandbox

    So, i have like 3 not quite started betas that have each turned into random maps cause i cant forge as much as i used to be able to. So if someone likes the idea and wants to roll, ill gladly help and stuves... so yeah, PM me up if you like the idea, my GT is the same as my username.
  7. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    Form: Aesthetics
    Gameplay: A massive Covenant Carrier, with a detailed bridge, atrium, and hangar!
    What Map: Sandbox, Sky Bubble
  8. Zee-V70

    Zee-V70 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Form: Casual, Most likely Slayer, though there are alternative possibilities
    Gameplay: Note that if you haven't played both of the Golden Sun games, you won't truly understand how to make this map. Basically, it'd take place in the Sky Bubble, and you would be fighting on a mountain-like surface (which is roughly radially symmetric, though not entirely) which is in the dead center of the Skybubble (Mount Aleph/Alpha). Then, at the four "corners" of the Sky Bubble, there would be the Lighthouses. All of them would be exactly the same, though all would be "facing" Mt. Aleph. You only fight on Aleph, which may or may not include some weapons and stuff--but here's the catch: the Lighthouses are lit over time. They'd be lit in the same order as in the games--Mercury (Water), Venus (Earth), Jupiter (Wind), and Mars (Fire). A powerup (or combining a red and a blue one, in Jupiter's case) would appear to signal them being lit--however, it would probably go like this:
    20 Seconds--Mercury
    45 Seconds--Venus
    90 Seconds--Jupiter
    120 Seconds--Mars
    And three minutes in, a Kill Ball will spawn twenty feet up or so above the highest central point of Mt. Aleph. Below will be a Custom Powerup which you can pick up that gives you 500% Damage Resistance, 200% Damage, turns you Cyan (or blue, whichever), and maxes out your gravity (kudos to anyone who gets the joke).
    Map: Sandbox, Sky Bubble

    Additionally, an idea would simply be fighting ON a single Lighthouse (probably Venus), with a killball signifying its activation after a while.
  9. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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  10. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Gametype: Infection
    base player traits: shotgun and magnum
    zombie traits: sword, poor camo, no shields, 50% damage resistance, 300% speed, 50% gravity
    Map: platform built around one of the sandbox towers with zombie spawns below on mancannons to fire them up to the platform which humans defend, minimal weapons placed.
  11. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    Form: Infection

    Gameplay: There are a maximum of 4 humans to start. Each human starts out by himself in a unique location. I've though of A) a crashed helicopter, B) a cabin on the ridge, and C) a bar near the edge of town. Zombies would spawn at the far end of a small town and make their way to the individual survivors. The map is intended to encourage the humans to seek each other out and work as a team. Each starting point for the humans would have its pros and cons. For instance, the guy in the cabin gets a sniper rifle and high ground, but he has very low ammo and starts out relatively close to the zombie spawns. When he runs out of ammo, he'll want to get some help from the others.

    To the end of promoting team work, there would be a central point of interest; a police station. It would have an armory, decent cover, and a rooftop for easy defence. However, the station must be difficult to get to as a team, and nearly impossible to get to alone.

    The reason I'm not doing this myself is that I'm busy with other projects and school. I'd like credit for the idea if anyone uses it, but that's it.

    What Map: Sandbox / Main Level, with blocked lasers if necessary.
    #51 Decadence Night, Nov 17, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2009
  12. nixaguy

    nixaguy Forerunner
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    Id like to do #37
    Do i have permission Decadence Night?
  13. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
    Senior Member

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    absolutely. i just want credit for the idea, but the map is yours to do with what you will, of course.
  14. nixaguy

    nixaguy Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, once finished with my conquest map, ill start on this
  15. G043R

    G043R Ancient
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    Asset on Construct.

    Make it so the spawning brutes spawn off the cliff at the beginning of the game and then on the wall out to the left of the map. Also the map features a Hornet for the finish. There is many different path ways on the map and I imagine you could have some fun matches on this map.... I can help devolve the idea but I'm not much of a forger any more.

    Just an idea I had today....
  16. Hugh299

    Hugh299 Forerunner
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    Asset on Sandbox:monitor:

    I have an idea. Someone should make one of these Asset maps(with the ground base and all the brutes coming after you, you know the drill[view other Asset maps for more info]), that has to do with one of those big ships in orbit, something like barc0de's UNSC Frigate( You could put it outside of the spacebubble, so it would work like the drop pods in Protocol(rifte gifle, Asset map pack), with drop pods and vehicles(warthogs, scorpions, whatev.) dropping straight to the ground. ODSTs would wait it out, fighting off brutes until e-vac arrives(other players can stay in the ship too. You could make a MAC cannon that they could use to blow the **** out of the brutes on the ground[stationary wraith on a tin cup].) As soon as the hornet spawns in the orbital ship(this probably will require someone to stay), they fly down to the ground, pick up Virgil(the Asset, or VIP), and then fly up to a point in the sky(going back to the orbital ship), just like the other Asset maps, and the round is over. Also, in substitute for having vehicles drop directly from the orbital ship, some sort of dropship(see rifte gifle's D77-TC pelican) could spawn maybe behind the ground base after a set amount of time, carrying vehicles, like a tank, and it only spawns once, idk, just a possibility.

    Something like that. I just dont have the time or patience to do this. I have tried already but it just doesn't turn out.

    These ideas could also be used to make a big team slayer map, assault, CTF, or hell just an asthetic.

    I hope someone is interested as much as i am in this. I would love to see this complete :) Talk to me people

    This link leads to an asset canvas(by Gunnergrunt and Ell3ment) to help you


    I also had another idea.


    Asthetic(Warthog Freestyle) on Sandbox
    i dont know what to call it

    The basic idea of Warthog Freestyle is just screwing around, but with me and my friends it ends up being this huge competition of S-K-A-T-E or who can land the best trick.

    A course usually consists of a combonation of:
    -Arial stunt jumps, which are jumps that have kickers(this could be as simple as a wood bridge), and of course a landing, and the launch system(a grav lift in front of a mancannon). You can just drive straight into them and you end up doing a perfect backflip, or you can switch it up and throw in some variation, like powersliding into it. I dont know if anyone has come up with these already or even knows what im talking about but it works. The downside is it requires some tweaking to get it where you want. But when you DO finally get it right, you end up with a sweet backflip-based jump that will have you and your buds occupied for hours. I got to a point where I could pull a rodeo-backflip(b-flip w/360), with a dismount from the truck, get back into the hog, and still land perfectly on the landing ramp.
    -Rails, which you will have to figure out on your own because It's that tricky.

    Some other ideas of what might be possible:
    -Wall rides
    -The Loop
    -you may also interpret Nitro Circus style into it with crossover jumps and such.

    So overall it's mostly just a smooth course of arial stunt jumps and whatever else you can put into it. I have found the best place to do it is down in the lower section of Sandbox, you know, the basement.

    I have made Freestyle maps before, but I want somebody to fine-tune it, and make it HUGE! Geo-merging, huge takeoffs/landings, huge air, variety, do your best. I have a feeling if one were to do this right, it may be a new turn in Halo3 and may get a featured! I will help if help is needed. Have fun :monitor:


    I know this is a lot of writing but i gotta get my ideas out there.


    Motocross-style Racetrack course on Sandbox

    I saw this new geomerging with the landscape thing and I couldn't get it off my mind. The map Cynderland by "oh Knarly" inspired me(the link is at the bottom). This is probably the sickest thing I have ever seen, and I thought of the idea of using this for a racetrack thread.

    Whoever knows what a motocross track looks like will know what im talking about. A motocross course consists of doubles, single-rollovers, triples, tabletops, whoops, berms, rythum sections, a starting gate(which I have already learned how to make, it has to do with spawning), straight-aways, rough sections, and whatever else. Around the outside of the course are usually haybales or banners(which in this case you can use to make the track uncheatable)

    here are some references:
    #56 Hugh299, Nov 22, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2009
  17. Snipetacular

    Snipetacular Forerunner

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    A map inside a assault carrier or covenant ship. I have always wanted to do this but I don't have the attention span to make the ship. If you look on google and search up an assault carrier you can see some nic pics of where the battle could take place. I was thinking maybe a generator or a brige idea


    A good reamke of ivory tower... that should be enough. :)

    #44 srry lots of ideas

    Sandbox Remake of Highrise from MW2

    I always thought highrise was a halo map brought to MW2. It has high ground, its tough to spawn-camp, and ot's easily forgeable. I might suggest making it symmetrical with the crane or just removing that altogether. Though this seems like an easy and good map to forge if i don't get 2 it first
  18. Farbeef

    Farbeef Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    "but your mind is like sarah palins?" haha nice my idea. Reqires a map and ghost forging ill see if i can get it up here later
  19. Fusionguy

    Fusionguy Ancient
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    I might try that :)
  20. saml1997

    saml1997 Forerunner
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    me!me!me!me! pick me!!!!(for #34, the covenant cruiser)

    aside from general excitement, i will try this. i will probably fail tho.
    im probably going to make just a light cruiser because of the sheer size of a carrier. it will be sort of accurate though =)
    #60 saml1997, Nov 25, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2009

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