Imagination Database

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Tartan Spartan, Jul 9, 2009.

  1. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow, that's almost exactly my idea. Except I didn't want people getting out once they got in... Guess its a good idea, good luck to whoever tries to do it, I've already tried and its a pain in the butt.
  2. 1shawn1

    1shawn1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Form: Competitive
    Gameplay: A remake of the GOW2 level "Day One" with several GOW2-based gametypes to go with it.
    What Map: Sandbox or Foundry.
  3. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Form: Competitive
    Gameplay: Quake 3 is the inspiration for the halo series, and as such most if not all of the maps in that would transition to Halo very seamlessly, only creative modifications would be needed to account for the loss of strafe/circle jumping and rocket jumping. Weapon/equipment modifications would be needed, but that would be as simple as replacing a Red Armor with a Overshield and a yellow armor with a regenerator, etc. If nothing else there are tons of design elements in Quake 3 maps that would work in Halo 3 as well that could be easily transitioned. Get a account and play a practice match against a computer set to I Can Win. They'll mostly leave you alone allowing you to look at the map.
    What Map: Sandbox
  4. arrowhon120

    arrowhon120 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Form: One sided VIP

    Gameplay: Well I was thinking that it could be a castle, with towers, maybe catapults (fusion coils underneath a warthog on the sky bubble maybe?) archers (snipers) and all that. It could be on the main level of Sandbox, where the dunes are. The peasants have gravity hammers (pitchforks or something lol) and maybe fire grenades. The king has 2x overshields and does normal damage, but his shields reload twice as fast, and he only has one life. The peasants have no shields but they have unlimited lives, as do the knights.

    This may be a bad idea, so you can add anything you want to it.
  5. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Form: salyer (competetive)

    gameplay: a big 16 player tournament map, like 5 rooms, and in 4 of the roomss, there is a 4 player ffa match, then at one point, the teleporters open up, allowing a winner from each room into the final room. the only thing is, each room would have to have identical wepons, to make the final match up even.
    also, each player would only have one life, making them have to spectate for the rest of the tourney.

    map: either sandbox/crypt/main/skybubble or foundry, which ever you prefere.
  6. CQBxGuy1995

    CQBxGuy1995 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Form: casual
    Gameplay: a battleground designed for close quarter battles set at the crypt of sandbox, both teams spawn at each corner of the crypt (i dont care which ones as long as there at the opposite corners) and could get out by opening a door (its possible on sandbox to make a simple door) which closes again once the stuff rerspawns. the gametype could have you start with a shotgun and smg everything else is normal.
    The weapons on the map should be more smgs and shotguns for ammo and smg duel weild, energy swords, plasma rifles, spikers and grav hammers and a flamethrower in the middle, i dont care how many of each is put down.
    What Map: sandbox crypt
    #26 CQBxGuy1995, Jul 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2009
  7. FunkyRobot

    FunkyRobot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My Idear

    Use etither the Crypt or Sky-bubble(probably with money glitch). Create 4 distinctly different bases. Have a 4 team multiflag game with at least 3 people on each team. The tradeoff would be fun. I guess it would work on Guardian, but it would be more fun on a custom made map. Now we just have to decide if the map should be symetrical or not.
  8. Reincarnation

    Reincarnation Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ive actually done this, and just couldnt get the gametype correct
  9. Vincehax

    Vincehax Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Form: Casual

    One v Alot - One guy would have a sniper and he'd have to kill each and ever other one of the spartans without them knowing about it. Lets call it hitman. No radar or anything. I'd be on a custom map probably. Something i thought of while playing snipers today. Let me know if anyone has already done this or if they know a game type or how i should do it. :D
    #29 Vincehax, Aug 2, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2009
  10. Atrain

    Atrain Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Form: Mini Game
    Gameplay: A massive tower Loom's over sandbox. Welcome to your first day at the UNSC zero-G testing facility. Housed inside a massive tower 20 boxes high Is a zero-G arena where players are constantly in freefall thanks to teleporters at the bottom that lead to the top. weapons are suspended by floated weapon holders while 2 teams fight in mid air.

    By the way, I get first dibs to try this.
    #30 Atrain, Aug 4, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2009
  11. LivesOn

    LivesOn Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Form: Does not matter
    Gameplay: A tour through Sandbox or another huge map via teleporters, i.e. you spawn in the air and fall into a teleporter which gives you enough momentum to fly to another one halfway across the map, then another, another, etc.
    What Map: Sandbox or another huge map

    Form: Infection
    Gameplay: Zombie(s) trying to escape from a maximum security prison guarded by security guards (non-zombies) trying to stop the zombie(s) from escaping via switches that trigger something that temporarily stops/damages the zombie(s) and/or shooting at it.
    What Map: Does not matter

    Form: Slayer
    Gameplay: Players spawn at the top of a round map (shaped like something similar to this) and are pushed by mancannons causing them to whirl around and around while slowly going to the bottom of the tube where there may either be a killball or a teleporter leading back up to the top.
    What Map: Sandbox, Foundry, or any other map you find suitable

    Form: Slayer
    Gameplay: Players (an even amount) spawn in 1vs1 chambers and fight to the death, the winner moving to the next chamber via gravity lift or teleporter. The chain continues until there are two left, fighting for their team (or by themselves).
    What Map: Does not matter

    Form: Does not matter
    Gameplay: Any map based on my maps or maps similar to the ones in my Fireworks Map Pack, fireworks going off while a game is in progress.
    What Map: Does not matter

    Form: Slayer
    Gameplay: Using the three levels of Sandbox, a game of paintball takes place. Since it is using all three levels, it will be able to hold any amount of people (1-16) engaging others with plasma pistols.
    What Map: Sandbox

    Form: Capture the Flag or King of the Hill
    Gameplay: A game of duck hunt involving the guardian towers of Sandbox. The object is to get to the top while avoiding them. Capture the Flag must have one person on the other team but they will not be pitted against eachother so the one person on the other team is given an observation tower to watch them try to get his/her flag while facing off against the guardians. King of the Hill would be the same unless you make it a free for all, everyone trying to get to the hill at the top of the duck hunt building first to win the game.
    What Map: Sandbox

    Form: Infection
    Gameplay: Zombies inside a building trying to stop the humans from getting inside and killing them all. If the zombies survive for a certain amount of time or kill all the humans, they win.
    What Map: Does not matter

    Form: Slayer
    Gameplay: Trying to get into a safe zone where the Sandbox guardians cannot get you. The guardians are blocked for a certain amount of time. Once they are free to shoot, anyone not inside will die.
    What Map: Sandbox

    Form: Does not matter
    Gameplay: A game where the players play the map and have to survive against the items falling from the sky while also fighting the other team or just basing the game completely off the items falling from the sky (Similar to this map)
    What Map: Sandbox is recommended as the killballs stop the items from being used, nevertheless it does not matter

    Form: Does not matter
    Gameplay: The game takes place on small columns or other small objects that you can easily fall off of, teams pitted against each other with gravity hammers, swords, brute shots, or any other weapons that may be good.
    What Map: Does not matter

    Form: Capture the Flag
    Gameplay: The flags are located right next to eachother and are visible from both sides but you are unable to get to them and must instead go through a whole maze just to get to the other side, take the flag, and return to your side.
    What Map: Sandbox or Foundry

    Wait, is there a limit to how many you can put?
    #31 LivesOn, Aug 18, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2009
  12. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think i'll start this, if i'll finish i dunno
  13. rosserik

    rosserik Ancient
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    #21 (I counted lives on as 1)

    Form: mini game

    Gameplay: it would be a mouth of a person going to the densest and he had cavity's all over. the cavity's will spawn in a rotten molar and the tooth paste people will spawn in a tooth paste tube in the tube there will be plasma weapons and blue lights. in the cavity (molar) there will be carbines spikers and fuel rod guns the floor of the inside of the tooth will be green with tin cups the other teeth will have holes in them the hollowed out teeth will house territory's that the cavity's have to grab and the tooth paste people save .that is all I have planned so far.

    What Map: Sandbox/SkyBubble.

    #33 rosserik, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
  14. LivesOn

    LivesOn Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Form: King of the Hill or Slayer
    Gameplay: The map is centered around a huge pyramid in which the players have to fight to get to the top. In King of the Hill, being at the top means you are in the hill. In Slayer, being at the top gives you an extra bonus or special weapon to use.
    What Map: Sandbox
  15. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Gameplay:Okay so there are Survivors and Reapers. The Survivors are led one by one by reapers into life-threatening situations (ex: A warthog going full speed into a killball pit, A scorpion being blown up by a falling fusion coil, etc.) And all but one have to just stay in that general area while one survivor ("Nick/Kimberly") must do anything in his/her power (Except killing a reaper) to stop the "accident" from happening. If he is successful, The Reaper has the permission to attack him, And Nick/Kimberly is allowed to fight back, If Nick/Kimberly manages to kill the attacking reaper, they move on. But if The Reaper Wins, They get to lead ALL of the remaining survivors into Final Destination (A Tele that takes them to the crypt) where the Reapers are allowed to kill all the survivors, Ending the Game and letting all the dead survivors into Their Final Destination
    What Map: Sandbox, Main Level. Crypt for The Final Destination Area
  16. ..::Brotherston!x

    Senior Member

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    #13 (FTW)
    Form: Ascetics ( Dont Spell Check that)
    Gameplay: Machinima Based. A MEGA FTW UBER L337 City. With Shops Garages etc.
    What Map: Sandbox Crypt OR Main
  17. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Form: Capture the flag

    Gameplay: It's on an L-shaped urban map, where the L is a street and it's surrounded by buildings on either side. There are no breaks in the buildings (alleys) so the street is inescapable. There is an enclosed bridge in the middle of the map that joins the two sides of the buildings. One team spawns on the street, the other in the buildings. The buildings are also enclosed so that the team that's in them can't escape. There are windows though, so the team in the building can see the street well. The gametype would be one flag CTF, and the flag spawns at one end of the street while the team spawns at the other. Everyone only has one life, and the street team has to make it from one end of the street to the other to get the flag, and then back again to capture it, all the while being shot at from the team in the buildings. There is some cover on the street such as barricades and flipped vehicles (vehicle use would be disabled). So basically the team in the street is trying to capture the flag without dying by dodging from cover to cover, while the team in the buildings is trying to kill the team on the street before they capture the flag. Sorry for the repetetiveness, but it was the only way I could get the point across. Here's a pic to help:
    Blue marks all the area where the blue can go, while red marks where the reds can go (they cannot access the other teams area).Blue would have Snipers, BRs and Carbines, Red would have Assault rifles, SMGs and magnums.
    I don't have time to make this map at the moment, so if you use this idea then please give me some credit. Thanks.

    What map: Sandox: Crypt or main level.
    #37 Mander, Sep 7, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2009
  18. Orange

    Orange Ancient
    Senior Member

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    your number 14 btw, I'll try it, with more lives tho, and alot of tweaks
  19. ..::Brotherston!x

    Senior Member

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    Cleanup (Game) Ailse 3 (map)
    zombies are slow but have hams
    like a supermarket sorta thing with ailes and big gravity
  20. Riptide Sage

    Riptide Sage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Form: Influential VIP
    gameplay: plays like a campaign mission, one team goes from point A to B in one life, but the home team tries to stop them with unlimited lives, at point B is a boss fight and the end of the round The away team (the ones who are traveling the course) spawn in crypt in a series of hanging L tubes (think like a sink facet) with equipment to supplement their smg, they drop down into the first room and proceed to run through the other rooms and try to make it to the last with out being killed by the home team. you reach the last room via a one way door (so you can't go back to pick up new weapons) and stay there until the end of the round. As for the map itself the only way to get enough rooms out of the peices is to have the map wind around itself to save up on walls, (so if you removed one wall you would merge two rooms) the away team has overshields *4 and 300% dmg resist but 0 % shield regen, they have increased gravity to keep them from escaping the map, and no radar so the home team can surprise them, the VIP influence: range,as close as possible; effect 50 % regen, forced color white (so the home team sees who is healing). If an away team member dies they spawn in a locked box for the rest of the match. The home team spawns in the main floor of sand box or in sky box, they have weapon pick up set to off, are faster, lighter, have enhanced radar, 500% dmg resist and no shields, no VIP and spawn with swords. when they die they go back to the spawn room, which has teleporters to unreachable areas in the point a to point B part. The boss is created by spawning a custom power up at 3 min out of 5 min, boss has 4* Over shields 500% dmg resist, 50% shield regen, weapon pick up and forced color black, near the custom power up in the home spawn room is a large armory of weapons for the boss to choose from, including grenades, equipment , weapons, and support weapons. I imagine this with a human vs covenant theme though that is up to the map designer.
    Map:sandbox, no where else works

    If anyone wants clarification on my idea or would like to make the map please do not hesitate to ask me.
    #40 Riptide Sage, Sep 15, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2009

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