No credit to me what so ever. I found them here, . These are a few I really liked. Basically the top bunch. :-D
A snowy sand trap would be so much better then a sandy one in my opinion. Also the one that is supposed to be cold storage completely surprised me, it has like a ghost town twist to it. The high ground and Isolation remakes are really cool too.
Those are really nice, but my favorite is still "Snowhalla" that was a good one: and this one is just cool: Cohalla Just makes you wish that there was a landscape editor.
Halo 3: Snowy Valhalla Hack Is Full Of Win | Team Teabag! - Home of the Latest Gaming, Technology, and Gadget News, Reviews, and Previews. There you go.
I had one. Read the top. Yeah. I've seen them all. These are just photo shopped though, not modded. To get the modded ones like that you have to have like a 900$ dev kit, and I'm not that wealthy. haha
Actually, snowhalla was a mod at one point. Bungie severely punished the people though. This was when Halo was pretty new. also, your link only takes us to the original layout plan for Highground with the AI turrets.
Id remove the second link, it kinda goes aginst the rules by linking to a site that links to mods. Yeah the snowhallla is a dev kit mod. There is one where they changed the construct texture to glass, it was epic I know a guy with a dev kit Their about £1000, depending on which one you get. Their illegal unless your part of a game designing company and dont use it for personal use. I think a couple of those are actually dev kit mods and arent photoshoped, but some are so obv photoshopped its unbeleivable, but they still look good.
i really like the sixth picture but i cant really tell what it is but it looks pretty cool and im liking the snowy sand trap and standoff...
The ghost town snowy and the green looking cold storage are epic dude. Do you have any modded gametypes saved? DO NOT put them on your file share, invite me sometime if you do, my GT is Klaydude 13.
Why do you have that modding website in your quote of me? trying to make me look bad? thats just mean. =P
Wow, some of these look really awesome! It's cool that they made Cold Storage look like Ghost Town. The Snowhalla is really cool, too.
I'm really digging the High Ground one. I would've loved that map even more if it had looked like that. I also like the underwater Ghost Town and Sandtrap.