My Future is Bright Its Itchy! Wallpaper Lymon 3D Screenshot I Haunt Your Dreams Embrace Dusty Haze Glory Alien Green Chrome Emerge Reciprocate Pink Slime 3D Azul Chieftain Betrayal
Your screenshots are overall above average, but the only one that really stands out to me is Glory. You use a wide array of effects in these screenshots, but the things in them aren't really all that exciting. It's like an "Ooh! Pretty colors!" slideshow, but none of them really progress beyond that "look at mah c00l effects" stage. Glory is the exception. You have this really interesting shade of green lighting in a way that looks like it is coming down from an overhead lightbulb or something, with a good perspective on the character. It also sort of looks like the guy is underwater with dirt or plankton floating around him.
im srry but none of these pics really stand out to a good quality, i mean dont get mad but why not do something new, new effect. theses are all old effects! srry..
All of these screenshots are old, thats why the effects are old! Its a portfolio not my recent screenshots -.- Anyways Reciprocate, Pink, and Slime are new effects. Its original and I haven't seen anyone using these effects.